Year 10s:
4 October Aspire Session
Year 10s:
4 October Aspire Session
Our Year 10 students have been invited to participate in the first year of a new longitudinal study of young people in Australia. In 2022, the GENERATION study to be completed during Aspire session on 4 October will focus on the activities and aspirations of Year 10 students – what they are doing now and what they think they would like to do in the future with study, training, and employment.
Each student who completes the survey will receive an individual summary of their careers interests, while the school will receive a summary report of the plans of Year 10 students as a group. No individual student will be identified in the school report.
There are plans for another 10 years of surveys in this longitudinal study. Students will be asked if they are interested in participating in later years of the study. If students agree to participate in later years, they will be asked to provide their contact details. Please note that it is not a requirement for students to participate in later years, and all questions in the survey are voluntary.
Further information about the study has been emailed to all Year 10 families along with a consent form. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Venkat KALVA.
All data will be kept strictly confidential, and no individual student or school will be identified in published data or reports.