Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Junior School Update

2022 comes to an end…..


Nominated Year 5 students brilliant House Captain speeches! Congratulations to the 2023 House Captains announced today! I look forward to working with you close next year! 


Salvado’s Got Talent preparation across the Learning Spaces has been impressive! There has been a lot of excitement and a real buzz in the air! Lots of music, dancing and comedy. 


Well into our last week of school, students and teachers have been busily completing set tasks and enjoying the Christmas cheer with making decorations and gifts. Transition across Year Levels was a huge success this week. Students were able to spend some time in different Learning Spaces with different teachers, learning a little 

2023…here we come!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students for their studious efforts over the past two Semesters and their Teachers and Education Assistants for all of the tireless work and dedication to their Learning Space. I wish students, families and community a very happy and safe Christmas and a wonderful new Year.



Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)