Faith & Wellbeing


Dear Parents,


The following are not my words, but words that a fellow member of staff shared with me. This resonated a lot with me and I feel like it might with many of you too. So as we say farewell to 2022, please remember to ALWAYS be kind to yourself and others. It has been a huge year of change for many and this will continue for members of our community in 2023. 


I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing what 2023 brings for this amazing community that I truly love being a part of. Thank-you for the wonderful children you entrust in our care who make me laugh and smile every single day. 


Mrs Mac


No one I know began this year on a full tank. Given the vicious onslaught of the previous two years (let’s just call it what it was) most of us dragged ourselves across the finish line of 2021… frazzled, spent, running on aged adrenaline fumes…


We crawled into 2022 still carrying shock, trauma, grief, heaviness, disbelief… The memories of a surreal existence…


And then it began… The fastest hurricane year we could ever have imagined. Whether we have consciously processed it or not, this has been a year of more pressure, more stress, and a race to “catch up” in all departments… Every. Single. One.


Work, school, sports, relationships, life… 


Though not intentionally aware, perhaps hopeful that the busier we are, the more readily we will forget… the more easily we will undo the emotional tangle… the more permanently we will wipe away the scarring wounds…


We can’t.


And attempts to re-create some semblance of “normal” on steroids while disregarding that for almost two years our sympathetic nervous systems were on full alert, has left our collective mental health in tatters. Our children and teens are not exempt. The natural byproduct of fighting a hurricane is complete and utter exhaustion…


So before you begin questioning the absolutely depleted and wrung-dry state you are in - Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself of who you are and what you have endured. And then remind yourself of what you have overcome.


Despite it all, you’re still going. (Even on the days you stumble and find yourself face down in a pile of dirt).


Understanding brings compassion…


Most of the world’s citizens are in need of a little extra TLC at the moment. Most are donning invisible “Handle with care” posters around their necks and “Fragile” tattoos on their bodies…


Instead of racing to the finish line of this year, tread gently. Go slowly.


Amidst the chaos, find small pockets of silence. Find compassion. Allow the healing. And most of all… Be kind. There’s no human being on earth who couldn’t use just a little bit more of the healing salve of kindness.


Author Naomi Holdt



Mrs Georgia McNamara

Students Wellbeing Leader



It is hard to believe that 2022 is coming to an end and this is the last newsletter for the year!


St James’ Catholic Identity has truly come to life with the beginning of Advent on Sunday 27th of November as we await the birth of Jesus.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing Year 6 Social Justice Leaders for all their hard work. All our efforts throughout the year in raising funds and supporting people in our community could not have been done without their support.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy return to the 2023 school year.



Thank you to all the families for their generous donations for this year's Christmas Hampers.  We are excited to be handing over 40 hampers tonight at the Christmas Carols and Art show.  A very big thank you to Cass White, Michelle Thomas and Albana Giarrusso for helping to sort the hampers.


Don’t forget there is still time to buy a christmas decoration to go on the giving tree to further support this year's Christmas Hampers. All money raised will go towards St Vincent De Paul purchasing vouchers and gifts for families.



We congratulate our Year 6 students on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 17th of November. It was a beautiful Mass and acknowledgement of the commitment the students have made in growing their faith as they leave St James.

A very big thank you also to the amazing choir and Gen Bryant for providing the music.



We invite all families to join us on Friday 16th of December at 12:15pm for our End of Year Liturgy. The wonderful year 5 students will be leading, to mark their transition into the leadership roles for 2023 with the passing over of the leadership lights.


Prayer/Reflection Group

We will hold our final session for the year tomorrow, Friday 9th of December at 2:45pm in the Boardroom. We look forward to seeing you then.



Term 4

Prayer/Reflection Group - Friday 9th of December in the Boardroom @ 2:45pm

Graduation Mass - Thursday 15th of December at St James in the Hall @ 4:30pm

End of Year School Mass - Friday 16th of December at St James @ 12:15pm



If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 


A message from the Bayside Mission Office:


If any children from Year 3 upwards are interested in singing at any of the Christmas Masses as part the Bayside Choir, please complete this form


Emma Herbert

RE Leader / STEM & Sustainability / Learning Diversity Leader


How to Sign up for as a parishioner of Bayside Catholic Mission


For Parish Newsletters, please refer to the new Parish Website