Year 12 Graduation

Year 12 Graduation
On Friday 18 November the College formally farewelled Year 12 at the 2022 Graduation.
The Range Function Centre was an elegant dining and dancing space to celebrate this special occasion. The night commenced with the presentation of all graduates, followed by the announcement of the Major Award winners:
Leadership Awards:
2022 College Captains - Amber Hallam and Oscar Mitter
Carroll House Captains - Samara Davis and Kyan Cooper
Kennedy House Captains - Olivia Hosie and Joshua Press
Rosarie House Captains - Emma Thomsen and Thomas Ferguson
Sherrin House Captains - Sophie Edmunds and Jake Hockley
Webber House Captains - Sarah Connellan and Jamie Mooney
Mt Erin Boarding School Captains - Annabelle Cassidy and Will English
Reuben F Scarf Award - Sophie Edmunds
ADFA Long Tan Future Innovators Award - Oscar Mitter
ADFA Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award - Amber Hallam
Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice Charism Award - Jennifer Lungley
Bishop of Wagga Wagga Award - Henry Cook
College All Rounder Award - Caitlin Wheeler
The Principal’s Address was given by Mrs Thomas, who thanked the staff members who were responsible for organising the Graduation and those who assisted on the night. The words of our 2022 College Captains, Amber Hallam and Oscar Mitter were acknowledged, along with Mr Cameron Mitter, who spoke on behalf of the parents. Father Paddy led Grace and those attending enjoyed a delicious dinner, followed by a night of dancing.