Principal's Address

This edition of the newsletter, our last for 2022, includes an overview of the Year 12 Graduation on 18 November, which was a glittering and joyful celebration of 13 years of education.
Another high point was our College Assembly last Thursday, which was an opportunity for the College community to come together to acknowledge the Feast of the Presentation, with the Sisters. Many students were acknowledged during the Assembly for their contribution to the co-curricular life of the College and I congratulate them for both their sporting excellence and their commitment during the year.
Thank you to parents/carers who completed the online survey regarding family engagement. The feedback will be shared through the newsletter early next year and will be invaluable in shaping our plans for 2023.
With the last day of student attendance being Friday 9 December, this is an opportunity to thank our families for your support throughout the extraordinary year that 2022 has been and to wish our College community every blessing as we journey through Advent and prepare for the Christmas season.
An Advent Prayer
Lord, you fashioned our hearts to be satisfied with nothing less
than your love which overflows for us in Christ.
As we journey through Advent, rekindle within us your gift of hope,
And turn our expectant waiting into readiness
to welcome Him in all persons we meet.
We make this prayer to you in the name of Jesus, your Son. Amen
On the morning of 9 December, our community will gather for our Christmas Liturgy and Major Awards Ceremony. We will acclaim those who have excelled academically and worked conscientiously during Semester 2, as well as present the Major Awards for 2022. We warmly invite parents/carers to join us. Please be seated in the hall by 9.45am.
This final gathering offers the opportunity to thank and farewell those who are leaving our community. We will acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of Fr Paddy Sykes, the Administrator of Sacred Heart Parish Kooringal, who is taking on a new role as Parish Priest in Junee in January, to our College. We will also acknowledge and thank Fr Jomer, who has also been a strong supporter of Mater Dei this year, for leading the celebration of College masses and for his attendance at the Year 12 Retreat in Canberra. We wish them every blessing for the year that lies ahead.
As well as staff departing Mater Dei, we will farewell any students who are departing at the end of Term 4.
Staff Departing the College
The following staff are leaving Mater Dei and will be thanked and farewelled on 9 December:
- Mr Craig Britton
- Mrs Nicole Lewis
- Ms Molly McMullen
- Ms Kirsten Ingram
Staff Updates for 2023
- As Mrs Gill will remain on Leave, Mrs Millie Bright will continue as Acting Leader of Mission in 2023.
- Mrs Jackie Walker will continue as Acting KA Leader of Religious Education.
- Ms Kate Nolan will continue on Parental Leave in 2023.
- Mr Scott McAuliffe will continue on Parental Leave until August 2023.
- Mr Jake Raves has relinquished his part time position but still intends to work casually at the College.
- Mr Jonathon Scanu completes a teaching block and will return to casual teaching.
- Mrs Stacey Curran will return in a part time capacity.
- Ms Millie Owen will remain on staff as a Teacher Assistant next year.
- Mr Michael Ryan has been appointed as the Literacy Instructional Teacher in 2023.
New Staff Appointments
Congratulations to the following new members of staff for 2023. We look forward to welcoming them to our College community:
- Ms Amber-Rose Walker - Drama Teacher
- Ms Courtney Dodds - PDHPE Teacher
- Ms Bree Price - Office Assistant
- Mr Phillip Tallents – TAS Teacher in 2023
- Ms Maddison Willis - Teacher Assistant in 2023
As well, we welcome back casual teachers Mrs Rebecca Marien, Mrs Keira Barnes and Ms Lucille Fitzsimmons as part time temporary teachers for 2023.
Congratulations to Mr Darcy Kelly, who has been appointed as a permanent Maths/Science Teacher from January 2023 and to Mr Michael Ryan, who will be the Literacy Instructional Teacher next year.
Please keep those leaving our community in your prayers.
2022 College Year Book
Thank you to Mrs Megan Narouz for preparing the Year Book for publication. It will be made available as a soft copy to Year 7-11 students and families. Parents/carers will be advised when it can be downloaded from the College website. Year 12 will receive a hard copy of the Year Book.
Conclusion of the 2022 School Year for Staff
I would like to remind our families that all staff members are engaging in Professional Learning from 12 to 14 December and as such, contact will be best made via email or phone to the College, if needed.
The Office will close on Wednesday, 14 December, however arrangements will be in place for students receiving an ATAR over 90 to pass their rank on to the College on Thursday, 15 December, when the HSC results are released. ATARs are only issued to individual students and not directly to schools.
An overview of the HSC results will be captured on social media and outstanding achievement in the HSC will be recognised in the High Achievers Assembly, which will be held on Thursday, 2 February.
We can share the news that many Year 12 students have already been offered places in university courses for 2023 ahead of the release of their HSC results. We are very proud of the achievements of all our Year 12 students during this challenging year and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
The College Office will re-open on 16 January 2023.
New Student Orientation Days
A very successful Orientation Day for new students in Year 8 to Year 11 was held last week. Thank you to new families in 2023 families who attended the Parent Information Meeting on Tuesday evening. We enjoyed welcoming our incoming Year 7 students to the College today for an exciting introduction to life at Mater Dei.
Student Commencement Dates for 2023 School Year
- Monday 30 January - Year 7 and Year 12 commence
- Tuesday 31 January - Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 return
- Thursday 2 February – Year 12 2022 High Achievers’ Assembly
- Monday 6 February – College photos – Students wear full Summer Uniform
- Tuesday 7 February - New Parents’ Information Meeting on Canvas and Compass at 6.00pm.
The Uniform Shop Opening Hours during the holidays are published in this newsletter.
Christmas Blessings
A Christmas Prayer
I said a Christmas Prayer for you because the season’s near.
I didn’t ask for riches but for gifts so much more dear.
I asked for joyful gatherings with your family all around,
and for carols to inspire you with their old familiar sound.
I asked for quiet moments in your heart on Christmas morn,
for a special time to celebrate the Saviour who was born…
I asked for friends to send their best that you might know they care.
I asked for peace and love and hope, and I know God heard my prayer. Amen.
I wish all our Mater Dei families a Happy and Holy Christmas. I pray that this season of joy brings peace and happiness to all. May Mary, our Good Mother and patron of our College, continue to guide and inspire us in all we do.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal