Principal Report

We did it!! It certainly has been both an exciting and challenging year being onsite for a whole year. There is no doubt that the second half of the year has been action packed full of both curriculum and extra curricula activities.
I would like to thank the current Principal Team and teaching staff who have worked relentlessly to ensure that our Middle and Senior school students are ready for 2023. In Senior school this has included: providing work experience opportunities; course and pathway counselling; school formals; exams; motivational speakers; University/TAFE speakers; and Step Up programs. The College received full accreditation from VCAA. Our Year 7,8 and 9 students have been involved in a range of excursions, competitions and very competitive internal volleyball competition.
We have over 1225 students enrolled for 2023 and we are very excited to support our first Year 12 students, many of which were foundation students. I have also recruited 28 teachers and two more tutors for 2023 - we still need a couple of more but I am sure we will find the right staff for our College. We welcome Zac Anderson to the Principal team. He will be the Assistant Principal - Engagement & Wellbeing. We have created this role to continue to provide the high level of wellbeing and engagement support that we believe students needs across the College.
We farewell teachers Patricia Fulgione, Abby Malagoli, and Tamara Youkhanis and wish them well as they move onto other schools. I would also like to thank our office administrator and personal executive assistant, Isabella Azzopardi for her dedication to the College. Isabella will continuing to work in schools but she will be moving into Careers education. We are sorry to see her leave but commend her for her initiative. Finally, as a College we were privileged to be able to work with Acting Assistant Principal, Darren Irvine who stepped in to help us with Senior school in the middle of the year. He has been a tremendous addition to our team and support for our Senior students as they begin to discover which pathways they may explore beyond school. Darren will be returning to Templestowe College in an Assistant Principal role.
Important dates:
Please read carefully and place in your calendars
Curriculum Days 2023
27 Jan – State Wide Curriculum Day 1
30 Jan – Curriculum Day 2
9 June – Curriculum Day 3 – Assessment & Reporting
10 July – Curriculum Day 4
These are student free days.
Start dates for students:
Tues 31 Jan – All Year 7 and All Year 12 students only (Year 8 – 11 students not required at school).
Wed 1 Feb – All Year levels at school
There will be two Professional Planning Days for teaching staff in 2023 - 30 May, 6 Nov. We will provide more information in regards to these dates closer to the time and also the option for supervision.
Finally, I would like to wish all our families a safe and happy holidays! See you back in 2023.
Joanne Camozzato
College Principal