Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

The Season of Advent


The season of Advent has begun.  As a Catholic faith community, last Sunday we celebrated the beginning of Advent.  Advent is a time of waiting, a time to prepare and to reflect on the importance of the birth of Jesus within our lives.  In the coming weeks, our learners will have the opportunity to unpack, explore, reflect and make connections to how relevant these scripture stories are in our world today. 


As a whole school scripture focus our learners will be unpacking and reflecting on the following scripture readings.

Week 1: Matthew 24:37-44, 

Week 2:Matthew 3:1-12, 

Week 3 Matthew 11:2-11, 

Week 4:Matthew 1:18-24


This week we begin by lighting our first candle which is the candle of HOPE. The whole school scripture will focus on Matthew's scripture. Mt 24:37-44

Stay awake, you must be ready.




Celebrating Liturgy

Last Tuesday our Year 1/2 AM and 1/2SC celebrated mass. In preparation for this celebration, the children engaged in writing prayers of the faithful which they shared while they celebrated mass.


Our final class mass for 2022,  will be celebrated on Tuesday, the 6th of December at 9.15 am.  The children from 5/6OS and 3/4BP will be participating on this day.  All parents and carers are invited to attend.  

Whole school end of year mass.

Our whole school end of year mass will be celebrated on Friday, the 16th of December at 9.15 am. We take this opportunity to reflect and give thanks for 2022. We invite all parents and carers to take part in this celebration.


Enjoy your week,

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader.