Focus on Physical Education

Physical Education Focus

Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for how well you approached PE at home. I was very impressed with your creativity and enthusiasm for being active, despite not being with your friends.


That being said, how good is it being back at school and once again being able to play games, practise, and learn new skills with your class? It has been wonderful to be back and see how well everyone is working together despite the weeks away at home.


Foundation & Year 1/2 Students

Foundation and 1/2 students have been busy playing games and discussing the importance of following the rules, as well as how to be a good sport. We have recently starting using the parachute to practise cooperating and taking turns – the students have had a great time making mushrooms and igloos.


Year 3/4 Students

Year 3/4 students have been focussing on striking using bat tennis and tennis racquets. Striking in bat tennis and mini tennis requires a lot of control as well as accurate hitting. They have eagerly been doing drills as well as playing games to improve their skills.


Year 5 Students

Year 5 students have been excitedly learning the rules, strategies and skills of the summer interschool sports. They will have an opportunity to participate in one of these sports next year in terms 1 and 4. So far the focus has been on rounders and softball, which are very similar games but use different equipment. Next we will move onto cricket.


Year 6 Students

Year 6 students have been challenged to play Spike Ball, which was a new sport to almost all of them. Spike ball is a combination of volleyball and two-square, and initially, is very difficult to play. With dedication and perseverance students continue to improve their skills and are now having amazing rallies and intense games.

Free to a Good Home

While cleaning out the PE storeroom I came across a bag of cricket protective equipment, which we no longer use. This equipment would be great as a trial set for anyone who wants to see if they enjoy cricket before purchasing a whole set of gear. It is used but in functional condition, it is NYDA branded. The sizes are for upper primary students or tall middle years students. There is no obligation to take a whole set – if would just like a pair of gloves, that is perfectly fine. 


If you have any interest in this gear, please have your child come and see me and I will provide them with what they need. All available equipment is in the photo and it will be distributed as people request it. First come, first served.


Thank you for your assistance.


~ Geoff McShane, Physical Education and Sports Teacher