School notifications
Events for Term One
Parent-Teacher Meetings
Our parent-teacher meetings will take place over next week. These meetings are an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher for 2021 and for you, as parents, to tell us about your child’s strengths, passions, social competencies and areas to be worked on.
If you have not received an email regarding these please contact Julie in the office 95316560 or We ask that all parents book an appointment. Three options are available in person, zoom or phone.
Classroom newsletters outlining the term, expectations and important dates for each year level will be sent home on Monday.
Beginning of the School Year Mass
To mark the beginning of the school year we will celebrate as a school, Mass on the morning of Friday 5 February at 9:00 am. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to invite families to attend due to density limits which we would exceed. We thank you for your understanding.
Parent Open Learning Days
Families are the first educators of their children and they continue to influence their children’s learning and development during the school years and long afterwards (Family School Partnerships Framework).
As parents, you engage in your child’s education in many ways in the home, the community and at school. At St Columba’s we believe family school partnership are vital and we are always looking for opportunities in which to assist you to engage in your child’s learning both at home and at school.
This year we will once again be hosting parent open learning days. The first of these will be held Friday 5th February 10:00 am after Mass.
We invite you to come along to experience and participate in your child’s classroom learning experiences.
We look forward to sharing our school life with you. If you intend to attend, please ensure that you sign in via the Passtab at the office and wear a mask during your visit.
Interschool District Swimming
The Interschool Swimming sports will take place on Friday 19th February at Oakleigh Recreation Centre. A team to represent our school will be selected following the Grade 3-6 swimming trials which will be held on Monday 8th February at MSAC. A letter will be sent home containing the details. At this time we do not have information regarding spectators at Oakleigh but we will keep you informed as these details become available.
If you have any queries please email Sharelle
Sibling enrolments for 2022
I would ask that parents who have a child commencing Prep in 2022 please enrol their child by the end of February so we can determine how many places will be available to new families for 2022. Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the website or collected from the school office.
School Photos
Please note School photos this year will be taken on Monday 22 February, Term 1. More details will follow.
In 2021 Skoolbag will be the main platform used by the school to send out information.
Skoolbag enables us to send out important messages, newsletters, alerts and notices.
Please ensure that you have access to this app on either your phone or personal device.
I ask all families to please ensure that their child/children’s details especially any medical information have been updated on Operoo. It is vital that this is done at the beginning of each year so we have all your current contact details including home address and mobile numbers, emergency contacts and any allergies/ medical conditions etc.
New students to the school this year will receive an email from Operoo. If you don't receive an email invitation requesting you to update your child/children's details please contact the office (
Operoo parent information:
For further information regarding school procedures and any general questions and answers please refer to the school website
All current information regarding the school can be found in this location.
Parent Education Board
The first PEB meeting will be on Tuesday 9 February at 7:00 pm in the staffroom.
Only those who are part of this committee may attend. The PEB acts as an advisory body to the parish priest and principal on matters relating to the education of the children of St Columba’s.
The first PFA meeting will be held on Monday 15 February at 7:00 pm in the staffroom. We are looking for representatives in 3/4 if you are interested please contact:
Assembly is held at 9:00 am on Friday mornings in the hall. Unfortunately, due to density limits, we are unable to invite parents to assembly this term. We will however continue to live stream our assemblies.
At assembly, each year level has a chance to share their learning. Class awards and birthdays will be celebrated at each assembly.
Listed is the schedule:
Feb 12 - Year 3/4
Feb 26 - Year 1/2
March 12 – Prep
March 26 – Year 5/6
This term the Year 4 children will be receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation which they were unable to do last year.
The sacrament of Reconciliation will be held on Saturday 20 March 10:00 am and 4:30 pm and Monday 22 March 5:00 pm
More details will follow.
Parish Level Mass and BBQ Catch Up Year 3-4
The year 3-4 children and their families will have their Class Parish Mass followed by a BBQ in the school grounds on Saturday 27 March at 6:00 pm. We invite all 3/4 families to attend this celebration and BBQ.
More details to follow.
A reminder that all children are to wear the correct school uniform including a school hat and black school shoes on all days except when they have PE or classroom sport. Long hair should be tied back, ribbons are to be in school colours. Classroom teachers will inform you of the days when sport and PE occur please refer to the website for the correct uniform.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches
Please note if your child has a mobile phone or smartwatch the mobile phone/ smartwatch must be handed into the office on arrival at school and can be collected at the end of the day. Should you need to contact your child during the day please call the office 95316560 and a message will be passed on.
COVID-19 protocols
St Columba’s is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for our students and staff. We ask for the whole school community to follow these procedures to enable us to provide the safest possible environment during this time. We all have a role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in Victoria.
Whilst restrictions have eased in the school environment the following will apply:
- If a child is unwell or has a temperature they are not to attend school.
- Parents/carers are permitted to enter the school grounds and buildings but must sign in at the front office if intending to stay longer than 15 minutes.
- Parents/carers who need the office should enter through the front administration door. Social distancing in the foyer will apply. A maximum of 2 parents at any given time fulfils the density limits. A fitted mask must be worn when 1.5m cannot be maintained.
- Parents/carers wishing to discuss any matters with a staff member are to first use the options of either a phone call or email. If a face-to face meeting is needed, it can take place onsite with distancing rules applied or may be conducted via Zoom.
- Parents/carers visiting classrooms must carry a mask and wear it if the 1.5m limit cannot be maintained. Please do not congregate within the school building. I ask that you please comply should a staff member ask you to wear a mask.