The Year 9 Drama class celebrated successful performances of scenes from the Australian play The Year Nick McGowan Came to Stay, written by notable Australian author and playwright Rebecca Sparrow. In our final Drama lesson this Wednesday, when we viewed the recordings of their performances, the feedback from the class was that all students created credible roles and relationships, were confident in learning and delivering lines and cues, and had given thoughtful consideration to costume, props, and use of space and set. The students have worked well in performance teams this semester to engage in Making (creating, scriptwriting and performance tasks) and a Responding analytical task after viewing a recording of a professional production.
Studying Drama builds creative and abstract thinking, confidence in public speaking applicable across subjects and for future careers, and skills of working in teams - all necessary in our world. I congratulate the Year 9 class on their creativity and commitment to Drama.
Our two Year 8 drama classes were also successful in their performances this term of individual monologues and group performances of scenes from the Australian play So Much to Tell You by author John Marsden. The students enjoyed creating realistic characters, learning lines, and working in teams to perform in our drama space under the lights.
Some photos from Thursday evening's Year 11 performance:
Karen Farrow
Drama Teacher