Cultural Corner

Art X - Term 4
We ended our year of Art X activities with increased attendance due to a keen interest in our ‘Make a Pot’ theme. Everyone had the experience of watching and even trying to throw a pot on our potter’s wheels. Some had great success and completed a number of small clay vessels, but we all found hand-building techniques much easier to master. Overall, students found joy in putting their hands in the clay and being able to manipulate it to create a vessel shape. The pots were completed by going through several firings and being decorated in bright underglaze colours.
Thanks to all students in Years 7 to 10 who participated, and to the Art teachers, Mrs Ludlow, Ms Black, and Ms Masci, for sharing your expertise. We look forward to further creative explorations in our Art X group in 2021.
Lorella Masci
Arts Learning Area Advisor