Diary Dates

School Dates

Term 4 will end at 1.30 pm on Friday 18th December.

Current Excursions & Events

Money/Forms Due By:

Excursion/Camp Name



Friday 16th OctoberYear 6 Bike Ed Forms DueN/A

Week 2—Week 10

Friday 23rd OctoberYear 5 Bike Ed Forms DueN/A

Week 3—Week 9



Wednesday 16th DecemberBooklists DueTBA

Wednesday 16th December

Friday 18th DecemberSchool Finishes 1.30pmN/A

Friday 18th December

Sunsmart Updates

The Department of Education’s sun protection policy template and SPAG have been updated to reflect current Cancer Council recommendations that sun protection measures be used from mid-August to the end of April.  Sun protection is needed whenever UV levels reach three and above and in Victoria UV levels typically start to rise from mid-August.


School uniform hats are now compulsory at Lyndhurst Primary School.


Sunscreen must be provided for students' personal use by their families.