Maths, Science and STEM

National Youth Science Forum

Tuesday, 5th January until Friday, 22nd January 2021 were days filled with science, more science... and even more science. I participated in the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program, and it truly was an unforgettable experience!  Alongside almost 600 students from around Australia, we received the opportunity to see Nobel Prize Laureates, as well as researchers from a variety of STEM fields. 


Even though the sessions were organised online through Zoom, due to COVID-19 restrictions, hearing the various opportunities that are available in the STEM field blew my mind away. I initially thought that having a career in STEM only involved STEM subjects itself, but I was proven wrong. I learnt the term “multidisciplinary science” during my time at NYSF, and that term means combining an area of STEM, with an area outside of STEM. That truly opened my eyes to the world around me, as well as the possibilities that derived from that word. I personally don’t know what I want to do as a career; I only know that I want to do science, alongside either information technology or arts. The fact that I can potentially combine these interests together ignites a new passion within me, which makes me look forward to the future even more.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Lim for introducing the NYSF opportunity to me. Without the information, I wouldn’t have been able to experience such a memorable event in my life. I would also like to thank Killester College for supporting me with my journey towards the NYSF and beyond.


Written by Lauren Trang, Yr 12 St. Veronica