Faculty News




Year 7 STEM students were busy working hard on building and testing a working water filter as their final STEM project for the year. The students enjoyed exploring the design process as they built their filters and applied their scientific knowledge of the Scientific Method and separating mixtures to design their investigations. This project allowed students to engage collaboratively to gain essential knowledge of subject content and skills.


Year 7 students have really embraced the concept of learning across the different subject areas needed to successfully complete the course work. 




Year 8 Science students completed their first externally marked VALID 8 online test, earlier this term. The Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) program provides online end-of-stage assessments for the science key learning area. The test is mandatory for NSW government schools and is linked to the science stage 4 syllabus. It assesses what students know and can do in science. In addition, Year 8 students completed their Yearly Science Examination as their final assessment for the year. Students participated in many experiments throughout Term 4.

Year 8 STEM students were given the task of creating their very own video game through coding for their final assessment. The aim of the game was to teach the user (player) about an environmental problem caused by humans. This was no simple task, however, students challenged themselves and produced some very creative, informative and engaging games.



Luke S




Year 9 and 10 students concluded the year by learning about ‘Earth and Universe’. Year 9 were engaged in learning about components of the universe and galaxies near and far far away! Year 10 classes had an insightful time in Science by learning about our dynamic Earth. Both year groups completed their Yearly Science Examinations as the final assessment for 2020.




Year 11 Chemistry, Biology and Investigating Science students started their first term of their Higher School Certificate. They have been extremely productive and were thoroughly engaged in conducting their Depth Studies as their Assessment task. Students are embracing the concepts of learning by collaborating, planning and conducting many hands-on activities in their lessons through working scientifically.


Year 12 students completed their Higher School Certificate Examinations and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours. 


The Science Faculty would like to take this opportunity to farewell Mrs Bautista and wish her well in her role at her new school. Thank You Mrs Bautista! You will be sorely missed by both staff and students. 


Just because the school year is winding down, doesn't mean that the learning is letting up in the HSIE faculty, with students across the various key learning areas still completing challenging and fulfilling work deep into Term 4. 


Across the Junior HSIE subjects, our Year 9 History Elective students have been studying conflict across the millenia in the 'History of Warfare' unit. Year 9 and 10 Commerce students have been constructing their own websites to sell products and create travel itineraries for an overseas trip. Miss Elliot's Year 9 class have been creating their own posters mapping out the various locations that our diggers fought in WWII. As a faculty we would just like to commend students across all grades and subjects for their fantastic Yearly Examination results and would encourage students to continue to work hard into next year to build upon these.


Our senior students have begun the transition into their first term of their Higher School Certificate. This presents a series of unique challenges that come naturally with the last year of high school. Parents and carers are reminded that whilst it is important to have leisure time and re-charge, it is also important that students continue to work hard and study over the break in order to give your child the best possible chance at success in their HSC.


It has been an interesting and fulfilling year across the HSIE faculty and we can't wait for you to join us in 2021.