Year Adviser News

Year 7 Year Adviser

Gemma Hanlon

Term 4 has been very busy for Year 7. During Week 6, Year 7 attended the Brewongle Environmental Education Centre for their well-being day. Those students who attended participated in a range of fun activities such as kayaking, team building exercises, bush walking and they also enjoyed a BBQ lunch.


While the majority of planned activities this year were cancelled due to COVID-19, I am looking forward to getting back to normal next year. 


Congratulations to year 7 for finishing their first year of high school, I am extremely proud of everything that year 7 have achieved this year despite the challenges that we all faced due to COVID-19.


Have a safe and relaxing holidays and I can't wait to see your all back at school on February 1st!

Year 9 Year Adviser

Rhys Murphy

Here we are! ​At the end of what has undoubtedly been the most challenging and rewarding year of our students' lives. I would just like to open this report by commenting on how personally proud I am of each and every student in Year 9. They have taken the unique difficulties of 2020 in their stride and have demonstrated a level of dedication and maturity that I did not think they were capable of. This has put them into an extremely strong position as they begin to take the steps towards their senior schooling.


This term, students have enthusiastically taken part in the Evans High School's Anti-Bullying Day that was organised by our senior leaders, students have visited the Brewongle Environmental Education Centre where they participated in kayaking, orienteering and enjoyed a BBQ lunch and to finish the term, Year 9 students have also participated in the 'Sleep Connections' workshop where an external provider came in to teach students about the importance of healthy sleep habits.


Parents and carers are reminded that the uniform shop will be open prior to the commencement of the school year in 2021. Students around this age seem to shoot up overnight, so any additional uniform can be purchased here prior to the beginning of Year 10!


Have a restful and fulfilling break Year 9, take care of yourselves and I will see you next year!


Year 11 Year Adviser

Steve Satmaka

As we get to the end of what will be considered one of the toughest years in recent history, Year 12 is coming into their own and leading Evans High into 2021. It's great to see new initiatives led by the student leadership team in anti bullying and anti racism which they had initiated and decided to lead on their own. This leadership example is not only limited to the student leadership team. To encourage consistent uniform wearing, other Year 12 students have forwarded an idea to open an area on the top oval for seniors only to play active games. These students are only allowed in this area if they are in full school uniform. Some members of the year group have been leading in various school programs such as NAIDOC performances and the Haka. Year 12 has shown resilience this year and they continue to make me and the rest of the school proud.

