Deputy Principals' Reports

Deputy Principal - Year 8, 10 and 12

Ms Belinda Hunter

As the 2020 school year draws to a close, I would like to thank all of the students, staff, parents, carers and community members for their continued support. It is very much appreciated, and is reflected in the wide variety of opportunities that we are able to provide our students with. I look forward to continuing these partnerships in 2021 and beyond.


2020 has certainly been a year like no other, with challenges thrown at students and staff alike. I found it quite exciting to be able to deliver course content utilising technology that I hadn’t used very much previously. We now have ‘banks’ of Chromebooks in each classroom to provide students with engaging and relevant activities and develop their skills around the appropriate use of technology. Students were able to access their coursework through Google Classroom, or collect a hard-copy package. It was great to see students engaged in a variety of online learning tasks and it gave teachers an opportunity to ‘check-in’ with students during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


A huge congratulations must be given to our Year 12 students, the class of 2020! Despite the challenges they have faced, they continued with their studies in a mature and responsible manner. One of the major obstacles during COVID-19 was investigating how to host a COVID-safe Formal. Ms Griffiths (Year advisor) and Ms Bautista (Assistant Year Advisor) did an outstanding job to make sure that all Year 12 students finished on a positive note, providing them with a Formal and Graduation that they will remember for many years to come. All students looked amazing and the food was outstanding. We had Dr Fienberg and Mr Chapman in the DJ booth! I know students have been eagerly awaiting the release of the HSC results and I wish them the very best of luck as they enter the world outside of Evans High School. Remember to embrace every opportunity that comes your way and no matter which pathway you take, make sure you give it your best effort.


Year 8 students once again had an outstanding year, they too were able to adapt very easily to the online learning platforms as these types of activities form a significant part of our middle-schooling program, which they have embraced over the last wo years. Year 8 also completed their elective subject selection, in preparation for Year 9 next year in 2021. All students are encouraged to select their elective subjects based on their own areas of interest, not picking what their friends select.


Year 10 have also had a challenging year and worked well to complete their Stage 5 studies. They too completed the subject selection process for their Year 11 and 12 classes. These subjects will be studied over the final two years of their schooling at Evans High School. Again, students are strongly encouraged to select subjects that they have a genuine interest in, as they ae more likely to experience success and will finish their studies with a meaningful HSC. Please also be mindful that Evans is a 12-unit school, which means that students are not able to ‘drop a subject’ at the end of Year 11, the Preliminary Course. 


The work experience program for Year 10 was significantly impacted by COVID-19, as employers were unable to accommodate work experience students, in line with the NSW Health Guidelines. However, Ms Newsome worked tirelessly to provide our students with as many opportunities as possible, and for this we are all very grateful. A select group of Year 10 students recently completed their interviews for the Productivity Bootcamp, and we look forward to seeing their progress in that program. 


As Year 10 students enter Year 11 in 2021, they must wear full school uniform each and every day. As ‘senior students’ you move into the white shirts, and black tailored pants, as well as black leather shoes. Please be mindful that ONLY black tailored pants will be accepted. No tracksuit pants, no jeans, no cargo pants or any other variation. The white shirts are available in the button-up version or the white polo shirt. School ties are optional. Shorts for both male and female students must be bottle green, and the school skirt is still able to be worn.


Please check the school website, Facebook and Instagram pages for details regarding the uniform shop and additional opening times to accommodate the new year rush! The link below will take you to the uniform shop supplier, you can order and make payment online then the uniform will then be put together in a package ready for pick up.


I would like to wish all members of our community a relaxing and enjoyable holiday period and I look forward to working with you all throughout 2021.