Parenting Tip 

Screen Time

Setting screentime rules that won’t ruin your kids lives (or at least, won’t make them feel like their lives are ruined) seems harder than ever. The Atlantic has some advice, including:

  • Setting screen time limits that are based not necessarily on a number of minutes, but on organic boundaries (ie: “You can try that video game level three times, but then it’s bedtime.”)
  • Setting screen time limits using your device’s parental control so that you’re not constantly setting alarms that you have to track and enforce.
  • Being a good example yourself of screen time boundaries, and limiting the time you spend on your device when you’re with your child.
  • Picking one day out of the weekend when screen time boundaries are more relaxed so that kids can socialize more freely using the apps they are allowed to have.

Conversation Starter: Are screen time limitations a point of contention in your house? Does your teen feel like the limits on screen time in your family are clear and fair? Does your teen ever feel like you are being hypocritical with your own screen time while limiting how much time they can spend online? Have a conversation where you listen to how your teen feels about the rules as they currently are?



This article taken from The Culture Translator   Vol. 7, Issue 6.