
We were so grateful when our canteen was able to resume services late last year. We really missed it, and we look forward to it continuing in 2021. 


If you are interested in helping out in the canteen we would love to hear from you. It might be once a week, once a month, or even once a term. You would need to be available on Fridays from 10:30 till 1:30 or you could put your name down for early prep work during the week at a time that suits you. 


The Canteen team are really keen for a few more hands to spread the load this year. So, please reach out if you are at all interested.  Contact our front office and we’ll put you in touch with our canteen coordinator, Kelly Chiera.


We plan to start canteen back up again on Friday, 26 Feb.  Before then, the eldest child in each family will receive a menu, order form and ziplock bag. Each week your family wish to order, please fill out the form and send back to school in the ziplock bag with money. The correct change is greatly appreciated where ever possible. 


Please return the order form with payment each week by Thursday 9.00 am, at reception.

Also, please remember that canteen purchases cannot be charged to your school account.