Year 7 Camp


Week 6 was the week that 151 Year 7 students and 14 staff had been looking forward to with eagerness, anticipation and nervousness.


Early on the morning of the 3rd of March, the students started to arrive through the gates weighted down by their overstuffed bags, sleeping bags, pillows and a packed lunch. 

Three coaches transported the students to Lake Dewar Lodge YMCA camp in Myrniong, Victoria. On arrival, the students ate their lunch and eagerly listened to the camp leader Shannon, giving instructions for the first day. The students were then allocated their cabins and had some time to set up their sleeping quarters for the next few days.


The activities offered at Lake Dewar Lodge were awesome and enjoyed by all. They included mountain bike riding, paddle boarding, kayaking, flying fox, gorge walking, Robin Hood rafting, archery and jumping off the jetty. It was an opportunity for the students to show off their skills, try new things by moving out of their comfort zones and, of course, an opportunity to knock their teachers into the water, or more specifically, Mr Oosterloo being knocked out of his kayak by the students on their paddle boards. 

The delicious camp food also satisfied the ravenous hunger of the active Year 7 students. Spaghetti bolognese, penne with cream and mushrooms, roast chicken and veggies, hamburgers, cold meats and salad rolls all featured on the menu. The students gladly went back for second servings to ensure their energy levels were well replenished for the next day. And it would be remiss not to mention all the fresh fruit, freshly baked cookies, scones and yummy strawberry and chocolate muffins on hand throughout the day.


Wednesday night was Movie Night. ‘Thorn of the Dead’, a movie produced by THS, was a smashing hit. It’s a thriller filmed on our school grounds and the Year 7s got to see some of the students and their principal, Mr Michael Keenan, turn into a zombie.


Thursday was a busy day at camp YMCA with four rotations of activities, leaving all students very tired. That evening, the students were treated to a camp disco where they boogied to the Nut Bush, chicken dance, a limbo dance off, the conga and lots of TicTok soundtracks. The dance party was a huge success thanks to bouncer Mc Dowell, DJ Magliozzi and dance coordinator Stavrakis.


Friday morning began with the final  two rotations of activities, a delicious burger lunch and back on the bus for the hour trip home. Thankfully, it was a long weekend because we certainly needed the extra day for recovery!


A special thanks to all the staff who made this incredible camp possible for our Year 7s.


Pieter Oosterloo, Georgia Stavrakis and Ariana Magliozzi 

Year 7 Team