School Information

General Office

General Office hours: Mon-Fri,  8:30am-4:30pm

Phone: 9480 4066 (ext 3)

Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email.

Uniform Shop

Academy Uniforms has a uniform shop on site at Thornbury High School in Room 47.

Hours:    Mon 1-4pm ,  Wed 1-2pm.

Sustainable School Shop

Second-hand textbooks and uniform can be purchased and sold online through the Sustainable School Shop website


Student absences should be reported to the school before 8:50am, either through Compass, or by contacting one of our attendance officers:

Y7-10 Carol Marsh   Ph: 9458 6125   email

Y11+12 Jennifer Hartley   Ph: 9458 6135  email

Staff Contacts

Principal - Michael Keenan

Assistant Principals:

Teaching & Learning - Paul Mameghan

Operations - Tayatea Mackenzie

Student Wellbeing & Engagement - Ryan Millar


Head of Year 7 - Pieter Oosterloo

Head of Year 8 - Ann Vassos

Head of Year 9 - Tim Polwarth

Head of Year 10 - Matt Lowe

Head of Year 11+12 - Tom Ding


Head of English - Robin Garden

Head of Mathematics - Diana Walder

Head of Humanities - Rick Manning

Head of Science - Lisa Pieropan

Head of Performing Arts - Emma  McCulloch

Head of Visual Art - Sheraz Salama

Head of Languages - Max Tosi

Head of Health & PE - Saleem Nasser

Head of Technologies - Cameron Baird

Head of Professional Learning - Cara Martin

EAL/ELC Coordinator - Renata Tirabassi

VCAL/VET Coordinator - Maria Ioannidis

Student Leadership  - Lucy Youston

Privacy information for parents and carers

During the ordinary course of your child’s attendance at our school, school staff will collect your child’s personal and health information when necessary to educate your child, or to support your child’s social and emotional wellbeing or health.

Read our Secondary School Enrolment Privacy Collection Statement here.

The Thornbury High School policies on Privacy and Photography, filming & recording can  be found on the school website here

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) 2021 

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid, means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. 


The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $125 for primary school students
  • $225 for secondary school students

Payments are made directly to the school and are tied to the student. Most payments start from March onwards.  Applications can be received throughout terms 1 and 2. If you applied for the CSEF at this school in 2020, you will not need to complete an application form for 2021 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.  


You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes apply to you:  

  • new student enrolments - your child started or changed schools in 2020 and/or you did not apply at Thornbury High in 2020.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2021.

For further information and to obtain this information in different languages please visit the CSEF website.   If you have any questions or are unsure about whether you received CSEF during the 2020 school year, please check with the General Office via email


Applications must be submitted by 25 June 2021.   


Year 7 2021 Uniform Package for CSEF Recipients  

Year 7 students for 2021 that are recipients of CSEF automatically qualify for the SSR Year 7 Uniform Package.  The 2021 package contains:  

  • 1 x Dress  or1 x Trousers/Shorts/Skirt
  • 1 x Shirt (short or long sleeve)
  • 1 x Pair of Shoes (Lace Up or T-Bar). Shoes must be requested in UK Sizes.

If your child has received CSEF at his/her primary school in 2020, you can apply for the package now.  If your child did not receive CSEF in 2020, you can still apply this year when you lodge your CSEF application at this school. Submit your application to Carol Marsh or contact her if you have any queries.      

Applications close 1 April 2021.