Principal's Report

Year 7 and 9 Camps

We are already six weeks into the school year and 2021 school life is certainly full. Our 

Year 7s have just been on camp, and staff and students report having an engaging, adventure-filled three days. Our Year 10 Peer Support leaders joined the students on the middle day of camp and made a wonderful contribution.


The recent Year 9 Camp was also well attended and students very much enjoyed all the water-based activities and camp life in general. Well done and thanks to all involved in making these camps possible.


Swimming Carnival

This year for the first time all Year 9 students joined Year 7 and 8 students for our annual swimming carnival. Despite the cool weather, attendance was very high, as was the level of participation. Our senior students, led by our Sports and House Captains, generated a real enthusiasm and I thank them, as well as all staff involved, for their efforts.


School Council student representative

I congratulate Oliver Norman from Year 7 for his nomination and election as student representative on School Council for the 2021/22 school years. Oliver joins fellow student Flynn Slater from Year 10 who is in his second year on Council.


School Council elections are now underway with six parent nominations for the three parent vacancies. I look forward to meeting as a new Council in the coming weeks.


Michael Keenan
