Curriculum & Pedagogy

As we travel towards the end of our first term in 2021, our teachers have focused on creating safe and welcoming spaces for our students to be challenged and pushed outside their comfort zone. Throughout years 7 to 10 our classes have been buzzing with new experiences and opportunities for our students to grow. From walking into a Crime Scene to the excitement of watching a Sunflower Seed Cookie turning bright green our teachers have been exploring ways to demonstrate our school's value of 'Aim to Innovate'.
This term has also seen our teachers experience their first Inquiry Cycle this year through collecting data, implementing a strategy and reflecting on their shift of practice. The constant learning, adapting and reflecting of our teachers provides an environment of consistent improvement.
Victorian High Ability Program
The Victorian High Ability Program is a Department of Education initiative that invites selected students the opportunity to extend their Learning in Numeracy and Literacy.
This term we have four students participating in Year 8:
Lyndon Burke and Frederick Van Der Staal - Maths
Zarghona Aziz and Ida Deran - English
Congratulations to all students for representing ECSC and demonstrating our School Value 'Embrace Learning'.
Sara Mamone
Leading Teacher of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Numeracy & Maths
It has been a busy start to the year for all students in Maths. Teachers have been impressed with the way students at all year levels have embraced learning in their classes so far.
In years 7 & 8, testing has just been completed for the Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years program. As of next week, students will begin working in small groups to improve their core Numeracy skills, and develop the key ideas and strategies that underpin Multiplicative thinking. As the year progresses, students will continue to build on their Mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Year 9 & 10 students have hit the ground running, with most classes already beginning their second unit of the year. There are lots of supports in place for students who need extra assistance, so please encourage your child to approach their Maths teachers if they need to.
Finally, in order for students to fully be prepared for their learning in Maths, they do require calculators. Years 7, 8 & 9 students require a scientific calculator, whilst year 10 students require a more advanced CAS calculator. Please be sure to contact your child's Maths teacher if there are difficulties with this.
Erin Simpson
Maths Learning Specialist
Literacy & English
Students across year 7-10 have made a fantastic start to the year in 2021! Teachers are impressed by our students' focus in class and engagement in learning.
In year 7, students began the year with a letter to their teacher, outlining their likes and interests. We have loved getting to know these new learners to the school and reading about their learning! Students are now studying persuasive writing, using their best skills to convince their audiences.
In year 8, students are engaged in our film study unit, studying the text 'Spirited Away'. For this unit they will be using their amazing analysis skills to write a text response essay.
In year 9, students are using their creative writing skills to write about themselves, their values and interests. Students are focusing on imagery and narrative structure and are working hard to challenge themselves and grow their writing.
In year 10, we are working hard on our creative writing within the world of our text, 'The Boat'. We have read our graphic novel and are now focused on learning about characters and symbols. As students have transitioned into Senior School we have also focused on building our reading skills at home. We expect all students to be reading their English texts at home (they can access these through the eplatform). Our next text will be 'The Hate U Give' in term 2 so students have plenty of time to read.
Across year 7-9 we have also been impressed by the way our learners are engaging in their independent reading! Year 7 and 8 students are focusing on selecting a 'just right' text and will begin formal reading conferences in term 2. Our year 9 learners are focusing on our weekly journaling and they will complete their first Independent Reading CAT in week 9 this term.
Congratulations to all students on a fabulous start to the year!
Elise Westphalen
English Learning Specialist
Science - Year 9 Forensic Science Elective
Year 9 Forensics is one of our science electives we offer students at ECSC. Many students chose this elective because of their interest in crime and how forensic science is used to assist in solving crimes. Last Friday, the first of two forensics classes participated in a mock crime scene that was set up in one of our labs. The Year 9's walked back into the STEM building after lunch to go to their lockers and saw the whole crime scene set up, taped off and ready to go - this excited them very much and got all students talking about what may have happened. Students worked in investigation teams of four and were required to follow the 'Seven S's' for processing crime scene that we have been learning in class, this included: assessing the crime scene, tagging the evidence they believe was involved in the crime, photographing, videoing, and sketching the crime scene. All students had an excellent time, were very engaged in their learning and gave very positive feedback which was fantastic to see and hear.
Tiffani Meier
Science Instructional Leader