Senior School Report

I would like to introduce the Senior School Team Mr George Conway Year 10 Coordinator, Mr Glen Cowan Assistant Principal – Strategic Planning & Curriculum Innovation and myself Angela Narayan-Butler Assistant Principal – Senior School.
The key Senior School staff are very experienced and excited to work with you and your children to ensure they have a successful Senior School experience.
Generally, students have made a positive start to the school year. Especially those new to the school. We have been impressed with the great work ethic displayed by many students. Thanks to all parents and guardians for your great support in ensuring resources were purchased, and in equipping students with uniform and books.
We held a important Information Night to provide Parents, Guardians and Senior students with an update on the year 10 program in 2021 and planning for VCE, VCAL and VET in 2022-23. The Information Night offered families both the option to attend in person or via streamed event.
- The following topics were covered:
- Vision and Planning for Senior School 20221- 2023
- Year 10 Leadership team
- Building Program update
- School Values and expectation at year 10
- Uniforms, Punctuality, attendance requirements to progress to year 11.
- e-books and devices
- Academic Calendar including Camps, Exams, Work Experience etc
If you missed the event please follow the link to watch copy of the live stream
We look forward to hearing from students about their adventures. The bus will leave at 7am Tuesday and return at approximately 7pm Wednesday. The school will send a Compass post regarding the arrival as we return to Melbourne. Students not attending are expected to be at school, where the normal program will be delivered.
Reminder that all students should have purchased their electronic copies of e-books via Campion. These are essential for learning.
Please contact the Office staff for more details including payment plans.
Pictured below is Cooper Richards from ‘Threads, Fashion and Prints’ class, proudly modelling his newly made reversible mask. Great Work!! Many other students will complete their masks next lesson.
ONTTC – (Outer Northern Trade Training Centre)
Trade Taster Program began for a select group of 9 Year 10 students 3 weeks ago. Students travel to the venue and explore the ‘taster’ of electrical, plumbing, building and construction and automotive work. We hope to have further opportunities for students later in the year. So far students have been completing safety requirement modules.
Please see the photo below of Peter and Cooper attending the first day on the left and an image of the first class in Plumbing. We are please to report that the school has received very positive feedback on the respectful and positive manner in which all of our students have approached the program.
The Australian Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) is a competition for high school students in year 10 to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses.
The program was started in Australia in 2006 to address a number of deficiencies in the public's perception of science in general, and neuroscience in particular.
The ABBC provides current and accurate information on the latest advances in neuroscience research, its value to the community, and promote careers in science and technology. Challenge, comprises 30 multiple choice questions.
Winners in the past have been able to meet Professor Peter Doherty – Nobel Prize winner & Australian of the Year…
To prepare for this competition, go to:
- Visit and click Login through your school or organisation
- Start to type Edgars into the box and then click on Edgars Creek Secondary College
- Enter your address and password
- You are able to access the 2021 Brain Bee resources through the Content tab on your Control Panel. The assigned Brain Bee content should appear when you click into science, as a folder called 'Brain Bee 2021
George has provided students with opportunities to be part of the Year 10 Student Voice and Agency group, along with House Leaders. We highly recommend that students have a go at developing new skills, and in contributing to the many events planned, along with introducing new ideas.