Administration Update

Update Details
We would like to remind all families to make sure they have updated any changed details with the school. Please check through your Compass portal that the contact numbers, addresses, email addresses, and emergency contact details are all correct. Please contact the Office if any of these details need to be changed.
2021 Fees and Charges
Thank you to all our families that have made payment arrangements for their 2021 fees and charges. We will be contacting families that have not paid yet over the next few weeks to discuss our payment plan options. Please feel free to contact the school to hear more about our payment plan options and how we can assist with financial hardship.
We offer the following payment options;
- Direct debit from a Credit or Debit Card
- Manual BPay
- Centrepay
Early pick up
If you are collecting your child early, please call as early as possible to let the office know. Students may be on the Oval and Basketball court and it can be difficult to get them to the office quickly if they are being picked up. If we know in advance we can ensure the teacher and student are aware and the student comes down to the office ready to be collected at a specific time.
2022 Year 7 Enrolment
Year 7 enrolments for 2022 are starting soon, please keep an eye out for more information from your primary schools. We will be holding an Information Night on March 23rd for all potential enrolments to attend either in person or online.