ECSC Library Term 1 2021

Welcome to the Library!
We completed an introduction to the Library in the first couple of weeks during English class. We went through expectations, how to use the Access It which is our online platform and how to find the book that they want to read. Students can see what is available on our library but also what e-books they can borrow on their device. It's great to see all the students borrowing books and returning so other students can borrow. We are increasing our collection every week with new books coming in all the time. We have been able to set up a senior fiction section this year for our year 10's. This will hopefully give the students access to different title that are age appropriate for them.
What do we need to add to the library?
I surveyed the student's and asked them how they like to read and what do we need to add. Interestingly as shown in the graph below most students prefer to read a physically book.
Manga (anime) graphic novels are high on the priority list to increase in our collection. Students have also request Disney, Harry Potter and biography, I have been busy purchasing and cataloguing these requests so we have enough to give everyone an opportunity to read these titles.
E-book loans
You will notice in the graph below that students are using our e-platform for English to read text even though in the survey students still prefer the actual book.
Library Club at lunchtime
We have Library club open Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at lunchtime. We rotate the year levels through as we are limited to the amount of students in the Library. Year 7's have really enjoyed having the Library open as the days that it is available for them it is full. It is great to see how they show the school values especially Repesct!
Any new titles that students would like to request can send me an email with the title and author -
Happy Reading!
Trish Bennett
College Librarian