Wellbeing & Engagement 

Engagement and Wellbeing

Thank you to all of our Rangeview Families for moving so smoothly into and then out of the ‘snap’ lockdown. It was a relief to hear the announcement that we were able to end it as expected after the initial 5 days. We have had a busy few weeks here at Rangeview and I have loved getting started properly with my new student leaders group. Flora and Fauna is in full swing on Tuesdays and the gardens and grounds are looking wonderful. Our Ice Pole Day last Friday was a huge success as usual and the funds raised will go straight back into resources for our wonderful school. 


Working Bee

We will hold out Term 1 Working Bee on Sunday 21st March and would welcome any assistance from families. Tasks will include; spreading soft fall under our play equipment, raking new sand into the sandpits, weeding and pruning and general tidying. All members of the family are welcome and we will have a BBQ to thank our hard workers at the end. 


Box Hill Community Services CISVIC  

Last week we met with Alan Rittman, the manager of Box Hill Community Services. We learned that they are available to provide support emergency relief to families in distress in the City of Whitehorse. They offer case work and counselling, information and referral, advocacy and negotiation as well as emergency relief funds. http://www.boxhillcis.org.au/   9285 4801. 


RRRR Student Leaders Report

Maeve & Xavier

We surveyed 75 students on the grasphalt and we asked the question; 


Is Pink a girls colour and Blue a boys colour? 


We think that our results proved what we already thought – Rangeview is a very gender neutral school. Students surveyed reported; 


70 people said no and 5 people said yes. 


One person said ‘No no 50 times no’ 


The Fathering Project

We are starting a Dad’s group at Rangeview this year. This new group is part of a wider organisation called ‘The Fathering Project’ which is a national secular research based charity. The aim is to ensure that dads or father figures get the opportunity to be engaged in schools. There will be Dads events and Dads and Kids events each term. 


To get us started we need a few dads or father figures to self-nominate as leaders. There is not a big time commitment – just a get together once a term to brainstorm events. 


If you are interested in this new group – as a leader or just helping out in any way – please contact Marika Ferguson – at school. 



We have unfortunately said goodbye to our Yarra Valley Psychologist Carina Purdea this year. She has reduced her days and is now only working in her clinic. We have asked for a replacement psychologist to join us here at Rangeview, but this has not been possible through Yarra Valley. 


We have reached out to onPsych https://onpsych.com.au/ as a new provider to source onsite psychology sessions for our Rangeview students. again this would be a no-gap onsite therapy service which families can access through a mental health plan from their GP. If you would like to have your son/daughter see a psychologist here at school, please speak to Marika Ferguson to discuss the process.