We are SO glad to be back at school with the Foundation children and want to thank you all for the support during the Remote Learning period.
This week in Literacy we are continuing our focus on the alphabet and letter sounds including our Letterland character ‘Annie Apple’. We have been enjoying reading new books and practising how to hold them correctly, where to start reading and having a go at reading the words, pictures or retelling the story.
The Take Home Reading Program has begun and students have taken home their first books, which is so exciting! Please remember to fill in the yellow take home book as well as returning the reader each day to change the book.
In Numeracy we continue to learn about the numbers to 20 and how we can represent them. We have learnt about the days of the week, ordinal numbers and continue to build mathematical understandings through our play-based learning.
With our weekly Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships curriculum we have been exploring what emotions look like and sound like. We are learning to interact positively with our friends.
Reminders to please return:
Code of Student Behaviour book
Family World Map
Have a great week!
The Foundation Team
Miss Bonte, Miss Somerville, Ms Wilson and Miss Bell