Hands on Learning

Hands on Learning is off to a good start in 2021!

The HoL team at EMC, Scott and Issy, have been joined this year by Sebastian Beck (Seb). Seb brings 4 years of experience running a school wide hands-on sustainability program at Toorak Primary School as well as working at CERES Environment Park and The Diggers Club and as a consultant for City of Melbourne and City of Yarra.


The Hands-on Team will be putting a focus on sustainability. They are planning a working market garden, fostering sustainable organic food production with the aim to provide fresh organic produce to the Food Technology Department at EMC. 


Everything will be constructed and managed by the HoL students. The market garden will be complemented by a state of the art, closed loop composting system and worm farm. Later in the year, we are planning to use the system for a school wide waste minimisation program facilitated by our students. 


In week one, the students commenced this ambitious project by working tirelessly to prepare an area to construct their very own compost system. They also cleared out the glasshouse to make room for new seedling benches, which they will design and build themselves. They’ve also been busy constructing custom-built seedling flats to start propagation of heirloom seedlings next week.