Inquiry Centre


Well done on completing another week of remote learning! We hope you know how proud we are of your children and thank you for your ongoing support during each week of this ever-changing time. We hope you enjoyed your day off on Tuesday and found time to relax and unwind during the Curriculum Day while your teachers were planning some more exciting activities ahead for Term 3!


In Literacy, we looked at creating our own characters in preparation for our Narrative stories. We will be using both the characters and settings we came up with to create a narrative story in our writing session next week. We can’t wait to see the creative ideas you’ve come up with! We also looked at text-connections last week, including text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world. And lastly, we did our first online spelling test on Friday! Thank you to those of you who uploaded your results. Just a reminder to make sure to upload photos that are easy to read, and taken at an appropriate angle so it makes it easier for your teachers to see the hard work you’ve done!


In Maths, we explored shapes! Starting with 2D shapes, and leading into 3D shapes, we enjoyed seeing your children’s eyes being opened to the observation of shapes in their own home environments, and discovering the different properties of both 2D and 3D objects! 


In Guided Inquiry, we explored the concept of connections in relation to families. Thank you to parents who assisted your children during these lessons, as we jumped into the idea of family trees. It was awesome to see all the different family trees and places that have significant connections to your families. 


With the Stage 4 lockdown restrictions set in place, we hope everyone is well, staying safe and keeping in contact with their friends and family members. Please feel free to contact your teacher if you have any questions or concerns, or if you just need to have a break. It is normal to have an ‘off’ day, and we want to emphasise that your wellbeing is the most important thing at this time. With that being said, your teachers are planning to have a Social Google Meet sometime soon, so please look out for further information. 

We hope you have another lovely week! 


Kind Regards, 

Emma Honan, Aidan O’Connor, Emma Marsh, Kathy Wang, Emily Glen, Emily Kiefte, Simone Rock, Erin Bennetts and Joespeh Cunningham


  • Students can use pen and paper to complete SeeSaw activities. To print a copy of the work from Seesaw - save Activity as draft - click view original →
  • Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Epic Books are additional items we are providing access to and can be used at any time by all students as desired (they are not mandatory).
  • It is normal for students' work to be messy or not perfect. At school, we talk about celebrating mistakes as they help challenge us to learn and grow.
  • Please keep your child's teacher informed about changes and challenges along the way so that we can work to support you and your child further.
  • STEM week is coming up! Don't forget to sign up for the online Maths Morning on Tuesday August 18:

Submit your entry to our Spot The Maths photography competition here: 

Student Voice

  • Owen - "I have been getting active"
  • Mackenzie - "I love the Google Meets and see my friends!"
  • Tilly - "EPIC! Is so cool"
  • Arsheya - "My favourite part of online learning is reading our class novel ‘Mr. Stink’!"
  • Archer - "I love doing!"
  • Claire - "The best part of online learning is the google meet so I can see everybody in my class!"

Pupil of the Week

1/2BR: Gavin C - 

For persevering when using new technologies, showing a great commitment to his work and for making a smooth transition into our class this term


1/2E: Mihir G -  

For being engaged and making clear text connections in your small group session! Keep up the great work !


1/2H: Luciano C - 

For using his creativity when describing a setting using the five senses. You used lots of amazing adjectives and descriptive phrases to add detail. Absolutely fantastic work Luci!


1/2K: Jeffrey Z - 

For displaying a love of learning in our Guided Reading Session Online. You showed enthusiasm when your reading with expression and excitedly put up your hand when you were making inferences! Keep up the awesome work Jeffrey! 


1/2O: Zsofia C - 

For reading with expression when performing readers theatre with your guided reading group. You were clear and in character. Thank you Zsofia!


1/2P: Jason D - 

For showing perseverance and focus when completing your spelling and writing task. It is great to see you engaging with your remote learning to work towards your goals. Keep it up, Jason!


1/2W: Johanna C - 

For demonstrating a love of learning throughout all your Seesaw tasks. It is fantastic to see you exploring different ways to extend yourself and to share your learning. Keep it up, Johanna!

Freddie 1/2K - Showing off his fantastic reading and how he makes connections to the text!
William 1/2O - What he want's to be when he is older!
Emily W 1/2O- What a great future job!
Our mapping activity - finding our way through Melbourne Zoo
Piper E's awesome text connections!
Freddie 1/2K - Showing off his fantastic reading and how he makes connections to the text!
William 1/2O - What he want's to be when he is older!
Emily W 1/2O- What a great future job!
Our mapping activity - finding our way through Melbourne Zoo
Piper E's awesome text connections!