Principal's Message

Spotlight on Feedback

Selemat datang semuanya (Welcome everyone)

Last week's Assembly saw me joined by our wonderful School Captain Anais. She has some great tips on how to cope during this time. Thanks Anais.

Virtual Tours Arrive

Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour

I am delighted to share with you all, our brand new videos that showcase the Kinder and School. These videos are to act as virtual tours and hopefully help prospective families see what makes our School and Kinder so remarkable. If you haven't seen them already visit these three links

Mt Pleasant Primary School  -- Principal Message (

Mt Pleasant Primary School -- School (

Mt Pleasant Primary School  -- Kinder (

Spotlight on Feedback

An article from Mr Shaw:

Spotlight on Feedback
Spotlight on Feedback

Mrs. Streitberger mentioned the importance of Feedback during last week’s Assembly video. Feedback is one of the ten High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) and is vital as it communicates the strengths, areas of improvement and next steps to ensuring that all students (and teachers) continue to learn and develop along their learning journey.


As mentioned in the Assembly video, not all pieces of work during Remote Learning 2.0 will be commented on. Teachers will still view submitted tasks but will give feedback on one selected piece of work each day. The feedback that is given (sometimes orally-but mainly in written form) will be worded appropriately so that it is understood clearly by the student. It is important that students read the feedback that is given to them so that they understand the next steps that need to be taken to improve. 


Feedback is not always focused on teacher to student. There are also opportunities for students to give feedback to their teachers via a range of platforms including surveys on Google Classroom, Mentimeter, student reflections and answering questions on Zoom and Google Meets. Teachers use this feedback to alter and plan future engaging and purposeful learning opportunities that continue to target learning needs of all. This form of feedback connects to ‘Student Voice’ which MPRPS places a high emphasis on.


Opportunities for peer-peer feedback (more so in the Senior School at this stage) have seen students use Seesaw and the comment function on Google Docs to give feedback on various pieces of student work. It has been great to see the students so engaged when giving and replying to the feedback given. 

The Leadership Centre watched a video on feedback last week and answered a couple of questions to show their understanding. Kaiesha’s (from 5/6SB) responses were:

  • What is feedback?
    “Another person's advice and perspective on your work. It is not to make you feel sad but to help you improve on your work.”
  • Why is feedback so important?
    “If you don’t know what you need to work on you’ll never improve and not know where you’re going wrong or what you need help with.”

We all like to receive feedback on our performance as it allows for a clear path forward and helps us reach the next goal along our learning path. Feedback is an ongoing process for all! We are always continuing to learn and looking to improve.

Andrew Shaw

Learning Specialist

Years 3-6 Parent Zoom

On Friday the 14th August we will be hosting a Zoom Q and A session for parents of Years 3-6 students. The teachers will be presenting some information about the recent student surveys they have conducted as well as respond to the parent survey. There will then be an opportunity to ask the 3/4 and 5/6 teachers any questions you may have in regards to remote learning. We believe this will be a great opportunity to connect with our parent community and support each other through this time. In order to make the most of the 15-20min session please record any questions using the Google Form link so they can be answered. 

Years 3-6 Parent Zoom

When: Friday 14th August 11:30am

Who: Parents with children in Years 3-6

How: Zoom Details

Meeting ID: 864 5345 4697

Passcode: 1SmTQ5  

Look forward to seeing you there.

Class Parent Reps

The Parent Reps will be meeting over Zoom to discuss any questions from their class' families and to share ways in which we can foster connections in this time of Remote Learning 2.0.