
Cadbury Fundraiser

Next term we will be running a Cadbury fundraising drive to raise money towards our incredible Grounds Master Plan which includes new play areas, sensory space, outdoor learning spaces and more! Your child would have received an OPT out form last week, please ensure you hand in your form to the office if you haven't already done so. 


Our earlier notice detailed boxes would contain Giant Freddo & Caramello Koalas but unfortunately due to delayed production at Cadbury relating to Covid19, our boxes will now contain delicious Freddo, Caramello Koalas, Freddo Strawberry and Freddo Milky Top. 


The boxes we sell will raise $24. So we’re asking all families to sell at least one box each.

We would be very appreciative if you could support this fundraiser. Cadbury fundraiser boxes will be sent home in the third week of Term 3.

Fete Shout Out


Although our Fete has been postponed until next year, we’d love to get the ball rolling and we need your help. We will again be holding our popular Second Hand Clothing and Book stalls and are looking for families to donate.


With school holidays upon us, it’s a great time to raid those closets and book shelves for some de cluttering. If you do have any good quality pre-loved items that you would be happy to donate, it would be great if you could bag or box these up in readiness. We will be setting up some drop off dates and times early in Term 3. 


Should anyone have any plastic storage boxes/tubs in good condition that they no longer require, we would also be extremely appreciative if you could donate these to school to store goods in readiness for the Fete.


Thank you and we hope you have a great holiday!