Co-curricular - Junior Sport

As we venture further down the road of 2020, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt. Sporting pursuits have taken a significant hit with many cancellations of representative sporting competitions. Most notably for the Junior School are the following NSWPSSA events: 

  • NSWPSSA Cross Country
  • NSWPSSA Boys Touch State Championship
  • NSWPSSA Rugby Union State Championship
  • NSWPSSA Golf State Championship

In line with the above, CIS have cancelled trials in the following:

  • CIS Primary Golf Paper Selection trials

In addition to these cancellations, the trial listed below has also been cancelled:

  • CIS Primary Boys Cricket trials

I know that there will be many boys disappointed with these cancellations. But keep training and working hard for the seasons ahead and hopefully soon, you will get your chance at representative honours.


With the return to Saturday sport due to commence on Saturday 25 July (week 1, Term 3) there are a number of protocols that we need to follow and parents/guardians need to be aware of. You will need to observe the following:


COVID-19 Protocols for IPSHA NSW Saturday Sport

  1. It is recommended that only one parent or guardian should attend from each family with a student playing.
  2. Sharing/exchanging of personal equipment, clothing or drink bottles is not permitted.
  3. Spectators are requested to comply with social distancing guidelines.
  4. 'If in Doubt, Sit it Out' - any student, coach, official or parent who has any cold or flu-like symptoms or has knowingly been in recent close contact with a person displaying these symptoms cannot attend any IPSHA NSW event.

Boys will be informed over the coming days of the teams they have been placed in for round one of Winter sport. There are still opportunities for boys to be moved between teams early in the season. We recognise that, due to circumstances with COVID-19 restrictions, trials have been impacted with regards to what activities can take place. Boys are encouraged to accept the teams they have been placed in and use training and games to show the coaches what they are capable of and to which team they belong. A draft draw and training schedule will be placed on Team App shortly and displayed in classrooms. 


I wish you all a safe and happy term break and look forward to finally getting out on the fields early next term.


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curriculum