A note from Mr Jackson

A special thanks to students who swamped the email inboxes with letters of thanks after Principal Day last week. All the colourful and creative pictures, words and cards were indeed uplifting.  During difficult times we should all be reminded to find ways to actively celebrate the presence of each other in our lives. A card, letter or phone call means much during our isolation.


Medical Appointments

I received a letter this week from Bruce Atkinson, expressing his fear that some families are 'putting off' visiting their doctor in this period of isolation. In these unsettling times, it is easy to be overwhelmed by new expectations and changed circumstances. I encourage you not to defer any medical consultations and clinical tests that are due and to contact your family doctor if you have any health concerns. Testing for cancers, diabetes management and potential heart and stroke risks have fallen sharply this year – but the actual health concerns have not disappeared, and delayed diagnosis or treatment could have serious consequences. 


Changes to Crossing Supervision

With Stage 4 Restrictions in place, Banyule Council will continue the operation of the Grandview Grove crossing and suspend the operation of the Davies St crossing serving Rosanna Primary School. With fewer students accessing the site, we encourage those attending on site supervision to utilise this crossing if required. Our thanks to those supervisors who have prioritised the safety of students in our community.


2/3/4 Special Guests

Our classrooms are not bounded by walls, nor is our learning. Students in the 2/3/4 area have been exploring decision making over the term. On Monday, they grilled Clr Tom Melican (Banyule Council) and Mr Bruce Atkinson (Legislative Council – Parliament of Victoria). Reports suggest that both community representatives were struck by students’ inquisitive and provoking questions. It is great to see our learning stretching and exploring ideas, people and places beyond our backyard.


Make sure you have a look at the remarkable learning happening across the school community in our Newsletter.  It speaks to the rich learning engagement of so many.  I love the challenge to recycle waste!


Annual Attitudes to School Survey

Over the coming few weeks, students in Years 4, 5 and 6 will participate in the annual voluntary Attitudes to School Survey. This survey is a chance to hear students' perceptions of learning, the school and of themselves. This year it will include questions about their health and wellbeing as well as reflections about COVID-19. More information will be circulated to parents of students in these year levels.


STEM Garden Update

Thanks to families who have sent through requests for pailings to decorate the STEM Garden. While we may not be finished for our Stem Garden and Lower Playground opening on Friday next week, we are sure to have a very colourful addition. If you would like a pailing please email the school at rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au.


A reminder that our special RPSTV Assembly for the opening will start at 2:30pm next week and be broadcast live from the STEM Garden and the Lower Playground.



This Friday at 2:45pm students and carers are welcome to join us for another celebration of learning and life at our Assembly. We will be celebrating the Students of the Week as well as hearing from the 1/2 Area about their learning over the week. The highlight of the week will be celebrating the appointment of our new Junior School Councillors and Sustainability Agents. 

RPSTV Meeting Information

Meeting link:https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=m23cb9561b5d0defa3a910e918b9e9918

Meeting number: 165 769 8318

Meeting password: FGmYsfPp572


Wellbeing Resources

Remote and flexible learning can be challenging for both students and parents. Families are facing a range or stressors that can be overwhelming. To help support your child’s mental health and wellbeing a range of resources have been prepared.  Topics include: