Education in Faith

St James Feast Day

We will be celebrating St James Feast Day with a Mass on Friday 24th of July. Traditionally, it has been an opportunity to share in a celebration of St James with a Mass and the Mini Mission Fete. Due to the current pandemic, the students will be watching the Mass via a recording Father Dispin will prepare.  All teachers will share this Mass, via email to parents and students. Please ensure you watch the Mass at 9:15 this Friday morning so we can all gather remotely and be present to celebrate this special event for our Saint.


St James Feast Day is celebrated on the 25th of July every year. St James was the Patron Saint of Pilgrims and Spain. He was known for spreading the Gospel of Jesus and the good news to Spain. He was one of Jesus’ disciples. James was a friend who really liked Jesus and wanted to know more about what Jesus was teaching. He also believed in what he had to say. Jesus called James and the other fishermen to follow Him. Our school is named after this special follower of Jesus. We are also asked to follow Jesus.  How will you follow Jesus on St James Feast Day?


Here are some photos of some of the students who follow Jesus in everything they do. They are very similar to St James and in fact have the same name as him!

Level Liturgies

During this term, students and teachers will continue participating in level liturgies via Google Hangouts. This experience has provided students, families and teachers an opportunity to stay connected with their faith. It has also provided a time for all involved to read the Gospel,  discuss the message and share some special prayers. Some year levels have used the message of the Gospel to take action in their household.


The following roster has been created for the Term Three:

Week 2: Year 2 (St James Feast Day Video)

Week 3: Year 3

Week 4: Year 4

Week 5: Year 1 (Feast of the Assumption)

Week 6: Year 6

Week 7: Prep

Week 8: Year 5

Week 9: Year 4

Week 10: Year 3


Instead of creating a level liturgy for this week, the Year Two students and teachers will be preparing a special video to support this celebration. This will also be shared to all families and can be watched on Friday as part of the celebration.


Parish - Information and Mass times

Website:   St John's Mitcham