Principal's Post

Dear Families,

Welcome back to term three and another few weeks of Remote Learning.


We understand some of the challenges you face as we head back into Remote Learning during  Stage 3 restrictions and want to let you know that we are here to help you through this. The staff have worked diligently over the past week to plan the learning around student needs, being mindful of working parents and the challenges you face in this. As stated last week, we carefully analysed feedback from students, parents, staff and our wider Catholic Education community to come up with a way we believe will best meet the needs of all St James students and family situations. We understand that there are a variety of home situations and environments and consequently, the need for flexibility. As always, we invite you to make contact with us if needed. Remember the first point of contact for clarity is your child’s class teacher.


Most of the practices and protocols which were in place during Term 2 Remote Learning will continue to remain the same for this next period. 


A Message From Us to You

In case you did not receive this message the staff put together for all families, here is the link



Once again, all students will be learning from home, with the exception allowed for students in the following categories: 

  • Children who are not able to be supervised at home and on days when no other arrangements can be made. This includes children of parents who cannot work from home, and 
  • Vulnerable children, such as: 
    • children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm, children identified by the school as vulnerable (including via referral from a family violence agency, homelessness or youth justice service, mental health or other health service, and children with a disability). 
  • If your child/children fall into one of these categories, please contact me at by Thursday of the week prior to students needing to be at school.

Students who are attending our St James site to complete their Remote Learning need to do the following:

  • Wear casual clothes
  • Bring along all food required for the day and drink bottles
  • Bring along their schoolbag with the “goodies” sent home last Friday. Teachers and Learning Support Officers supervising Remote Learning will not necessarily be your child’s actual class teacher or LSO
  • Book into Before or After School Care with Camp Australia as usual if required
  • Bring along a pencil case with stationery supplies and headphones
  • Arrive 8.40am - 8.50am and enter via the top driveway gate (we will be taking temperatures)
  • Depart at 3.20pm or earlier if organised with the school office
  • Play items brought to school will need to be left at school. This reduces the risk of transmission from home to school and from school to home (not that we anticipate having any cases at school)

Staff Supervision Onsite 

Throughout this Remote Learning period, staff will be scheduled to supervise students onsite on a roster system. Your child’s teacher will notify them when this is the case. On these days, staff will be engaged in supervising the students on site and will not have much time at all to respond to emails or questions. They will also supervise students during break times. We ask that parents be aware that when this happens, the staff are not able to give the same type of feedback online that they would give on other occasions. All students, whether onsite or not, will be undertaking the same Remote Learning  program set by their  classroom teachers. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. 


Feedback on Learning Tasks

As stated last week we have decided to incorporate the Two Stars and a Wish strategy to provide feedback to all students across the school. Most students will receive this feedback twice per week (preps are slowly introducing this strategy over the first few weeks). This will provide a level of consistency across the school from class teachers. Specialist Teachers will not adopt the same expectations regarding this strategy.


Both Classroom and Specialist teachers spend a lot of time viewing and making notes on students’ learning tasks. Please trust and explain to your children that the teachers see all of their work they submit and simply do not have enough time to respond to every piece of work every day. I have instructed teachers that in between checking students’ work, recording their learning, responding to student and parent emails, conducting whole class and small group google hangouts and supervising students on site to spend most of their time planning engaging learning activities that can best cater for all of the needs of all students.


Google Hangouts

These will look different for different levels. Class teachers and specialists have taken feedback on board in planning for the first few weeks of google hangouts. Some levels will notice a bigger change than others compared to last term. We will constantly evaluate the most effective way to conduct these meetings. Please follow on the slides or ask your child for their google hangout schedule and ensure they join the meets at the appropriate time. Please also ensure your child adheres to the agreed and appropriate practices when online.


Student Attendance

Please be aware that by law, schools are required to keep daily attendance records of students. During this time of Remote Learning, a student’s attendance will be determined through: 

  • Student engagement with learning tasks
  • Participation in google hangouts
  • Student submission of work
  • Direct interaction with teachers

Please ensure your child accesses at least one of these  options during school hours: 9:00am – 3:30pm, Monday to Friday. This will ensure they are “marked” as being present for the day. If you have decided to have a “screen free” day, or for any other reason you are unable to access any of the above option please email your child’s class teacher.

Class teachers will follow up any students who they have not heard from in two consecutive days


In short:

  • We are hopeful that our Real Life Program is going ahead, starting with the Family sessions planned for Thursday 30 July online. Please read about the details for this important program in Wellbeing.
  • Our Debating Program, planned for Years 5 and 6 this term has been postponed until Term 4.
  • Our Art Show will look different this year. We're aiming to celebrate our Visual Arts learning in Term 4.
  • Our PSG Meetings are continuing online. Thanks to everyone for being on time.
  • We have met with new Prep families coming to St James next year and I'll look forward to catching up with current families who have a child starting school next year later on.
  • We're celebrating St James' Feast Day this Friday 24 July with Mass being live streamed at 9:15. Mark it in your calendar - you're invited!
  • Don't forget to check out, 'Spotlight on Learning' to get an overview of what specialist teachers are aiming to achieve in the coming weeks.
  • We're asking all families to send in photos of children engaged in Remote Learning for all to enjoy. It's another way of staying connected! Please forward them to Wendy

Our condolences go to the Hammerton family. - Ross, Gen, James, Sam and Ivy on the death of Gen's father.  May he rest in peace.


Most importantly, stay safe.


