Student of the Week Awards Presented 13/5/22

Jackson G. - 00L

This award goes to Jackson for his superstar effort in his writing this week. Jackson has taken on the challenge to write more than one sentence and he has been using his word chart to find the spelling for common words in his writing. Keep up the amazing work Jackson!

Cooper S. - 3/4B

This award goes to Cooper for his amazing attitude towards all areas of school. He is a wonderful role model to his peers and always supports our class goals. Cooper shows kindness to everyone and is a responsible learner, always trying his best with all that he does. You are a Scoresby Superstar, Cooper!

Piper W. - 3/4K

This award goes to Piper for being such an amazing leader during our production rehearsals. Piper remembers all of the steps to our dance and is someone that the rest of the class can look to when they are unsure. We are so lucky to have you as a role model in our class Piper and we know that you will be fantastic on the night of production!

Ali Q. - 3/4S

This award is presented to Ali for demonstrating great listening skills during our production rehearsal time this week. Ali listened to the instructions and followed the directions to the steps of our dance. Ali, it is great to see you working so well during our rehearsals.

Lily M. - 5/6F

This award goes to Lily for displaying the Scoresby HEART value of excellence. She contributes to class discussions and completes work to her personal best. Lily typed an exciting narrative based on the topic of an ‘emergency’. She included a bold beginning and experimented with the use of dialogue to make her writing more interesting. She is a pleasure to teach and should be proud of the work she is producing.

The Whole Grade - 5/6M

This award goes to the entire 5/6M class for being phenomenal students when Miss Chandler, Mr. Gopakumar and Mr. Siriamphone were teaching. We have loved learning so much about you. You have shown your H.E.A.R.T Values and treated us with respect and compassion. Well done, you will be missed!

Ryan W. - 5/6W

This award goes to Ryan for his hardworking and persistent attitude when completing NAPLAN this week. He tried his best when completing every test and finished each of them with a smile on his face. Wonderful effort Ryan! I am very proud of you.

Varsha K. - Performing Arts

This award goes to Varsha for her effort with her acting role as a grandpa elephant. Varsha has memorised all of her lines and is delivering them with expression. Well done Varsha. 

Yousef N. - Visual Arts

This award goes to Yousef for his wonderful Maasai art. Students in 3/4 are exploring African art and culture this term in Visual Arts. After viewing a video of a Maasai jumping contest, Yousef cleverly depicted the contest in his artwork. Fantastic observation, thinking and creating Yousef!

Kate C. - Physical Education

This award goes to Kate for showing the HEART value of Excellence. Kate tries her very best in PE each week and at all school sporting events. She pushes herself and encourages her peers to do the best that they can too. Kate, I love the enthusiasm that you bring to PE each lesson. Keep up the great work!

Alisha W. - Mandarin

This award acknowledges and congratulates Alisha for her effort in Mandarin class. We were learning to make a Mother’s Day card and Alisha was being persistent while having a go at folding her card. Great effort, Alisha!