Geography Students Out in the Field
During the month of May, Geography students ventured beyond the four walls of the classroom, bringing to life the curriculum they study in class.
Two Year 7 Geography classes spent a morning enthusiastically exploring, field sketching and testing the water quality of the three dams on the LMC property. Their focus was to understand how we use water around the campus and test each dam, comparing their findings.
The opportunity to walk around our school and observe and understand what is happening in our own water dams was a great idea. I really liked how the observations my group and I made are going to help the school's water system to be as great as it can possibly be. Piper Corrigan (7.3)
It was an awesome experience to find out about the different dams on the property at school! Cal Watt (7.3)
Year 10 Geography students spent an enjoyable day exploring, field sketching and gathering data at Port Phillip Bay. Their prime focus was on coastal processes and management strategies in the region.
Best excursion I’ve been on since Junior School! So many great things to learn and take away from such a thrilling experience and such great guidance from the teachers. Darcy Lyons (10.4)
It was so good to see the coastal landform with my own eyes and learn how to sketch and test the wind. Kianna Lai (10.17)
The Geography excursion was a great learning experience as it allowed us to understand natural coastal processes such as longshore drift and how humans are preventing the processes to allow for coastal reconstruction. Aaron Kennedy (10.4)
Cindy Woodcock
Senior School Geography Teacher