
The School reception offers a range of student support.


Students that arrive late are to present to Reception to be signed in. Parents will also receive a notification that students have done this on Compass. For students to leave the grounds early require a parent to come into reception to sign them out, or alternatively provide a written email approval for the student to leave that can be sent through to


Any student requiring First Aid can be assisted at Reception where all medical plans, medication and information is located. Please ensure that if your student has any medical needs the office has a current Action Plan and Permission to Administer Medication form complete, along with the relevant medication. The sick bay is also located in reception should your child require collection.


To the right of Reception is the Library foyer which is available to store their belongings not needed during the school day (for example cricket gear for afterschool training or musical instruments for afterschool lessons).


Any confiscated or lost items can be collected from Reception at the end of the day.


Uniform shop orders processed on Qkr! can be collected from Reception on Thursdays and Fridays.