
At St. Mary’s College we have a 5 period day, with each period being 1 hour. 


Each day starts with PACC, with the exception of Mondays where there is a whole school briefing to provide student announcements and recognise student achievements. 


PACC stands for Pastoral and Academic Care and Coaching. Students are organised in a vertical house group with two teachers and often an EA/SSO. The PACC time begins with a prayer and it is a time to check in and coach students, and engage in wellbeing activities, the aim is to support students in their learning so they feel safe, valued and cared for and to build a sense of belonging and identity for our SMC community. 



St Mary’s has two half an hour blocks for break times in between Period 2/3 & Period 4/5. 


All students have access to the canteen at recess and lunch and can choose to cross the road with a teacher for time on the oval during lunch.