Middle Report (3/4)

Wominjeka from the GUMNUT COMMUNITY - Tim, Phoebe & Raman

November already!

Wow – can you believe it’s November? We have enjoyed the occasional warm day and can’t wait to see some more of them.

Learning Story Conferences

It was a fantastic opportunity to sit with each family last week to discuss your child’s, Learning Story. During this time we discussed 1 Literacy and 1 Numeracy goal. These are worked on at school every day. We encourage families to practise these at home as well. As 3/4 teachers, we are both so proud of our students. Their growth this year has been amazing!


November has seen great progress happening in our classrooms! We have been playing games (such as Greedy Pig and Mastermind) to practise our skills. Every day we work on our Numeracy goals which involve skip counting or strategies for solving problems in our head (eg. doubles). We have been further developing our understanding of place value and using it to read larger numbers. Students looked at rounding numbers and how this helps with estimation. We combined all this learning to solve addition and subtraction problems. We have even had a go at writing our own problems.


In other areas of maths, we have looked at Australian money and investigating different ways to make $1. Students used catalogues and pretended to ‘buy’ items with play money at school. They also learnt to work out how much change they might need. We do not often use cash these days, but if you are out shopping with your children, it would be of great benefit to involve them in the purchase of small items (eg. Hand over a $5 note when buying a chocolate and work out what change they should receive).


Writing- Information Reports

Concept Map
This is an example of an Information report on Sight.
Concept Map
This is an example of an Information report on Sight.


The 3/4s have been immersed in learning about the 5 senses, how they help us to learn and how we keep them healthy. In Writing, students have been given a task to write an information report of their chosen sense. Students have been investigating, researching, planning, and editing their information reports. The 3/4s have been learning how to use a concept map to help plan and work out what information is needed to be researched. Students are also learning to organise and structure an information report.


During Reading sessions we have been focussing on inferring. This is an important comprehension strategy that helps us work out hidden meaning in what we read. Often there is a funny part, or a secret message from the author and we want to find it so that we have maximum enjoyment from reading. Students have continued to select “just right books” from our 3/4 library and use these to practise inferring. Please continue to encourage your child to read every night and complete their reading logs. These are brought to school each day.

Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships

This month the 3/4 students have been exploring and learning about positive relationships, rights and responsibilities and respect. We explored what these topics look like, sound like and feel like at school. Students have been learning how to demonstrate what respect looks like in a range of situations involving peers and adults. The 3/4s were given a task where they were broken up into different teams and each group was given a scenario where they needed to collaborate as a team and work out how to demonstrate what respect looks like in action through role play. 


This term we have been investigating our 5 senses in great detail. Our focus has been on how our senses help us learn and what we need to do to keep them healthy. Curiosity has been high! We have discovered the importance of protecting our eyes by wearing safety glasses and not looking directly at the Sun, the damage that loud noises can do to hearing and how our sense of touch protects us from danger (eg. feeling hot surfaces).


This links closely with our reading and writing programs. Students have taken their research and are creating an information report. This is the second time this year we have looked at this text type, so we looked back in our books to see how much we have improved - it was amazing! Again, we are both very proud teachers.

Remembrance Day

On 11 November the whole school paused for 1 minute at 11:00 to remember all those who fought in wars (across all countries). The level of respect shown by all 3/4s at this time was fantastic – they demonstrated our value of Be Brilliant. We spent some time discussing the history around Remembrance Day and the importance of our value Be Kind. 

Diwali and Diversity Dash

At Wollert Primary School, we love celebrating cultural diversity as all our students come from a diverse cultural background that we share, celebrate, and learn about. This month we celebrated Diwali which is known as “Festival of Lights”. The whole school community all took part in Diversity Dash where all of Wollert students, teachers and parents all got involved in spreading joy by running through different obstacles, while getting colour thrown at. It was a super-duper fun day!

Awards & Acknowledgments

Be KIND Samreet (3/4A) and Ramtin (34A)

Be KIND Hanad (3/4B), and Gurleen (3/4B)


Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!
Happiest Birthday Wishes to you!

3rd November Achyut turned 10

9th November Gurleen turned 9 

9th November Fariah turned 9

12th November Evren turned 10 

13th November Amitoj turned 10

18th November Jashaanpreet turned 10

26th November Gurveer turns 9 

30th November Acelynn turns 9 


Funfields Celebration Excursion is on Monday 19th December; if you haven't already given permission for your child to attend please do so via the Compass Notification