Prep Report

Wominjeka from the POD COMMUNITY - Katya, Carmen, Elise, Victoria, Gabrielle, Jackie, Laura, Wanda & Jo

Diversity Dash

Just like that, November is nearing its end but it’s never been a busier time at Wollert! On the 4th November we hosted our first ever Diversity Dash. Students spent the day exploring the meaning of diversity and how all our different backgrounds, abilities and interests make us wonderfully unique. We also learned about Diwali and how this is celebrated around the world by decorating semi-circles with lots of different colours. Our colour run was held during the last session of the day and involved an obstacle course around the whole school. We had lots of stations that had different activities to do while getting sprayed with colours. It was such a fun day and we can’t wait until next year’s event!

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day we honoured those who have fought for our freedoms by discussing the importance of the date, why poppies are used to remember the soldiers and observing one minute of silence at 11:00am. We also coloured in poppies in different colours to make a wreath for the day – red to represent the blood of comrades in war, black for all who have died in war or as a result of war, white represents civilians, armed forces and peace and purple for the animals.


Each Thursday the Prep students combine forces with our Grade 5/6 Buddies for an hour of shared learning. A very popular event in our week, both the Buddies and the Prep students enjoy experiencing a range of different learning experiences based around our whole school learning focus. 

This term some of the collaborative learning the students have engaged in has included game play and development, miming and outdoor sensory scavenger hunts, allowing all students to share their skills and knowledge through open-ended, hands- on, creative learning experiences. 

Values Tree

Our Values Tree
Our Values Tree

In the Pod Learning Community we have worked hard to create a tree that reflects the current Indigenous and Victorian seasons. Our tree is filled with bees, birds, spiders, flowers and many other special things. Each grade worked hard to add something relevant to the tree. Most importantly, our tree reflects the wonderful effort our students are going to to show the 'Wollert Way'. When we see our students bringing Joy, being Kind, Brilliant and/or Curious, we celebrate them by putting their achievement on a flower (to match the Spring season) which is then placed on the tree. Each day our tree 'grows' more flowers as our students work hard to demonstrate our Wollert values. We are so proud of them and you should be too!

Key Learnings

We have continued to be curious learners in the Prep Learning Community. There has been so much growth in all learning areas, particularly in numeracy, reading and writing. Students are learning a range of letter and sound rules that they have been applying to their reading and writing daily. Place value has continued to be a focus in our Maths Learning Community groups where students are developing a deeper understanding into our number system. Every Prep child has their own personalised Literacy and Numeracy goal and are working towards achieving these learning goals at school and at home. It has been great for teachers to share these goals with parents during our Learning Story Conferences this week, in order to build stronger partnerships between the school and the Wollert PS community. 

Happiest Birthday Wishes to you all!
Happiest Birthday Wishes to you all!

12 November Anastasios O (Prep A)

15 November Thomas A (Prep E)

16 November Alyssa V (Prep B)

19 November Ouday A (Prep B)

19 November Gursirat K (Prep E)

21 November Mishka D (Prep A)

21 November Rudra D (Prep A)

26 November Deshan A (Prep A)

26 November Zion W (Prep A)

26 November Devansh K (Prep E)

27 November Kruiz P (Prep B)

Inflatable World Celebration Excursion is on Monday 19th December; if you haven't already given permission for your child to attend please do so via the Compass Notification