Diverse Learners

Our brain wiring drives our Learning Stories

'By Brain, My Plan, My Learning Story'

Think about yourself as a student learner - What did you love? What was a challenge? What ignited you? What frustrated you or turned you off?


Now think about why. Somewhere within your why will be the relationships you had or didn't have with the teachers and students around you. We know that how we feel at school and how we are treated is key to success in anyone's learning plan. 


Another really important part of your learning success would have been knowing how you learn best. We've come a long way in education and thankfully have reached a space where we can openly celebrate our diversity and difference as learners - including how our brains are wired. This has not always been the case and could be the very reason some of us found school really hard but couldn't say why. 


Every brain at Wollert sparks and works differently. For this reason, every child has 'a plan' that is unique to every learner. Your child hears about their plan and that of others daily as a norm within our learning spaces. A plan takes into account how our bodies and minds respond to differing learning environments and what we can do to help us access learning in a 'best fit' model.  

Our goal is for our students to understand their own unique brain wiring and how to navigate their learning needs within their plan. Equally important is that our students can understand difference in brains which causes differences in learning needs and plans for their peers. Embracing diversity of the brain is another step in building self-awareness and self-acceptance in our students.



No two brains are alike, but we have names for different types - like ADHD, autistic, dyslexic, typical & more!


Imagine if we could create a school where our children could share openly with their peers and teachers that they have an autistic brain, an ADHD brain, a dyslexic brain...


And instead of judgement or assumptions about the child's capabilities or presumed challenges, we respond with curiosity about what this looks like in their plan and the strengths they have because of this brain wiring. 


Our inclusive approach to education strives for just that. Our 2023 Social and Emotional Curriculum will include learning for our students, teachers and community about different learning brains and the strengths of each. Together we aim to become more knowledgeable about the strengths and challenges diverse brains experience and how this may look in 'the plan' of many of our students. 

Wollert Primary School embraces and celebrates all learners within our inclusive environment. Learning about brain diversity together will strengthen our communal approach to understanding and growing every child in their Learning Story.