Year 7


This week the Year 7 students have completed their NAPLAN tests. Whilst we understand there are varying opinions regarding the efficacy and benefits of NAPLAN, most schools like Kilbreda, use the valuable data to improve teaching and learning strategies for students. 


It is important that students do understand that this test does not assess all of what makes each of them exceptional and unique.


Assessors do not know that some of your children love to perform. Perhaps they sing and dance gracefully. Maybe they are budding artists or can teach others how to use a computer program. Assessors have not seen that they can speak confidently to a large group. They do not know that their friends rely on them particularly when they are upset or hurt. They do not know that they may be keen sportspeople or help their parents daily to care for younger siblings or cousins. They do not know that our children are caring, thoughtful and that everyday they try their best. These important attributes cannot be tested.


The scores from this test will only indicate how they did on a particular day. They will not tell you everything about your child. They do not highlight how they have improved in something they once found difficult. 


Remember there is no one way to 'test' all the wonderful things that make your children amazingly special to you.

The Journey

As part of the pastoral program for Year 7 this year, we have secured a place with Enlighten Education. Enlighten Education programs help students decode the messages they are exposed to, and inspire them to follow their own path to success and fulfilment. The program helps to develop self-esteem and confidence


'The Journey', is a full-day school program for Year 7 students on Monday March 23 focusing on transition from Grade 6 to Year 7. The course covers everything from stress management to friendship 'do’s and don’ts'. Using a combination of hands-on and interactive activities we involve the students in a fun and informative introduction to secondary school.


This program is designed to assist in the transition from Year 6 into Year 7 and is ideal as part of an overall school transition program. 


Please see the link for more details.


As part of the transition program at Year 7 we are introducing the 'YOU CAN SIT WITH ME' program.


Ambassadors are trained on what to do and say if someone comes to sit with them by asking "Are you okay?" At no time, does the ambassador need to offer advice or intervene in the problem, rather offering a safe place to sit and referring them to a teacher if they feel they need help.

The following students are 'YOU CAN SIT WITH ME' ambassadors for Term 2:

Charlee Smithwick Marks, Matilda De Jong, Hannah Ross and Ruby Shield - Room 75 

Sarah McHugh - Room 73

Amelie Baker - Room 72

Congratulations girls on showing such compassion and kindness. This is an example of true leadership.

Travelling on Public Transport 

Travelling on public transport is one of the most convenient ways to travel. Students are expected to demonstrate courtesy, respect and consideration of others whilst travelling to and from school on public transport. 


Helpful tips for ways to keep safe while waiting for a train, bus or tram, getting on or off, and while in transit, are provided on the PTV and Victoria Police websites. 


The following is advice taken from the Victoria Police website (transit and public safety). If your personal safety is threatened when you are on public transport you can: 

  • If you are being harassed - tell the person to stop what they are doing in a loud and assertive voice, so they become the centre of attention. Consider moving somewhere else or closer to other passengers 
  • Report the person – tell the driver or public transport staff who can contact police 
  • Trust your instincts – do what you feel will improve your safety and make you feel more comfortable


Leah Cristiano

Level Leader:

Year 7