Principal's Message

Dear Parents,


This week we focus on Reconciliation week where we highlight “Be Brave, Make Change” and the need for Voice, Treaty and Truth for our Indigenous people.


Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the Peninsula Principal Network Conference and I thank Peter, Jane and Trish for leading the school in my absence. The theme of the Conference was connection to country. 


This was a fitting theme considering we have just celebrated Laudato Si’ Week highlighting the need to take action individually and collectively by ‘listening and journeying together’. Listening and journeying are integral components of the ecological conversion that Pope Francis calls each one of us to. 


During the conference we visited the Gurnai Kurnai culture at The Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place where Rob an Indigenous Elder spoke about the need for listening to the voice, for the story to be told and culture to be celebrated and recognised . 


We also travelled to Mitchell River National Park and participated in a walk to the Den of Nargun. A place of Aboriginal cultural significance for the Gunaikurnai people, especially the women, the dream-story of the Den of Nargun. We  focussed on connection to nature and the wonder and awe of God’s earth. We visited the Buchan caves on Krauatungalung Country a place that is highly significant to Gunaikurnai Traditional Owners due to its remarkable Aboriginal cultural heritage. The journey highlighted our amazing land that has been here for millions of years and our collective responsibility to sustain and protect our natural wonders. We also visited bushfire affected areas and heard from a farming community on the impact of the recent fires.


The conference highlighted the great need for RESPECT


….Care and respect for country following the footsteps of our Indigenous first people for 60,000 years


….Care and respect for our Indigenous people and the need for truth, treaty and voice.


…..Care and respect for each other and the need to eliminate racism and promote inclusive, respectful communities all over our great Southern Land.


….Care and respect for self and the need for self care and connection to others.


May we always hold, respect and honour the land our school is situated on and promote inclusivity, respect and belonging for all.


Thanks to our faith leader Peter Whyte and our year 4 teachers on preparing the kids so beautifully for the Sacrament of Eucharist. It was a wonderful celebration yesterday at St Peter’s in Shoreham where we gathered surrounded by our Parish community to celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist. Congratulations to Sam, Maddie, Charlotte and Jacob. 



Please keep health and wellbeing at the top of the list- we have high numbers of students and staff out with COVID, flu and gastrointestinal illnesses. As a result the school photos have been postponed to Thursday 14th July. Please see the note on Operoo with details.


Our School Advisory Council Meeting will meet this Wednesday where we will continue to work on our upcoming school review and the updated Child Safety standards. There are now 11 standards we have to comply with and we have the highest of standards in our school and will be working closely with parents and students to ensure we comply with the latest updated standards.


Finally, we wish our Mangrove Warriors all the best as they present their inspirational work to Mornington Peninsula Shire Councillors on Thursday as part of our Sea is our Best Friend project and our connection with Westernport Biosphere association. 


Yours in Partnership,


Gabrielle Espenschied