Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Carly Epskamp

Another busy, but very successful week at DPS! I cannot believe we are approaching Week Six of Term Two. Mid year break is soon approaching.


Cross Country

Last Friday was our annual Cross Country Event, which many students look forward to all year. I must say the weather was perfect and the event was one to remember. A huge congratulations to all of the determined students who kept running and pushing through so that they could successfully finish the course. It was not easy, but we celebrated so many wins together as a community. For many students it was their first time running the whole way without stopping and for others it was about beating a time they had recorded previously. I saw friends finishing together and groups of kids motivating each other and giving great advice. It was pleasing to look from the oval and see so many parents spectating, cheering and supporting our students who were doing their absolute best. Well done to Mr Spinks for organising the event and the house captains for their hard work on the day. A special mention to Adaliah who was on the microphone and letting everyone know what race was up next. Well done Adaliah!   


A great photo below of Lulah, one of our Year Six students, who had a  beaming smile as she completed the course! We are proud of you Lulah! 

Education Week

We have had a fantastic response to our celebrations and Year Level Assemblies conducted this week. Thank you to all of the families who have joined us at the assemblies and then in the classrooms after. The students were grinning from ear to ear sharing their classroom experiences with you. We have enjoyed the sense of 'community' that being together has created. We have missed celebrating these sorts of events with you over the last few years due to COVID. If you have any feedback about your experiences at Education Week please send an email to

A huge congratulations to our School Captains who have lead these assemblies with passion and enthusiasm over the past few days. Your effort is noticed and appreciated.  


Parent Helpers/ Classroom Volunteers

We are very excited to welcome parents/grandparents and family members onsite in the form of classroom volunteers. Last week we had a huge number of parents attend the Online Course to learn a little more about their possible role at DPS.  In order to volunteer your time at DPS and have you onsite, we need to follow strict departmental guidelines and protocols. If you wish to be a volunteer in 2022, you will need to provide the school with a current and valid WWC check, evidence of your three COVID vaccinations and you must complete the volunteer course which we will repeat again online Thursday 2nd June at 4:00pm. We are really looking forward to having some volunteers onsite and working with our students in their classrooms. You can call the school if you have any enquiries about this program.