Student Recognition Awards

Doncaster Primary School Recognition Awards


You have shown great determination with learning your sounds. I can see how you are trying to sound out words when you are reading and writing. Well done Sammie


Well done Mason on making good choices in class. You are trying very hard and I am proud of you.


Congratulations Joseph for showing some much resilience when we were learning about addition this week. You pushed through and achieved your personal best! I was so impressed!


Congratulations for being a caring and responsible leader. You’re a superstar!


For your excellent discussion about the book we were reading during guided reading. I enjoyed hearing your connections and the care you were taking when reading the book. Great work!


For showing determination in maths this week when adding numbers together to find the total. Well done Lily!


For always challenging yourself in writing. Keep up the great work!


Well done Amal for your exceptional handwriting and consistent brilliant presentation of your all your book work. Keep it up!


Well done Naman for making a huge effort to improve your handwriting and overall general presentation of your work.


Welcome Radvin to 2C and DPS. You are making a remarkable effort with learning the English language. Keep it up!


Welcome Oscar to 2C. You have settled in well to Doncaster Primary School and making a huge effort in class with all your work. Well done Oscar!


For always trying to do her best and working so hard to improve her writing.


For maintaining a positive growth mindset during lessons. He remains attentive and asks questions to clarify instructions. Well done Parham!


For demonstrating unwavering determination and focus during math lessons. She is making improvements and continues to maintain a positive growth mindset. Well done Teleah!


Olivia consistently shows the school values of determination, pride and success. This week she has been positive and focused during the NAPLAN tests, determined to achieve her best results.


Congratulations Chloe on the hard work you have been doing in decoding new words when reading. You have achieved so much and should be proud.


What excellent work you have been doing in Reader's Workshop Ivan. You have shown a range of ways that you think about what you are reading and monitor your understanding. Top work!


For making an amazing transition into Grade 3 at Doncaster Primary School. You are consistently asking clarifying questions to help understand and make the most out of learning. Well done!


For being so brave within your transition at DPS. You are so friendly and kind and we feel so lucky to have you as a member of 3L.


You have made an outstanding improvement in your independence over the last few weeks. You are more motivated to have a go at your work and have shown progress in your writing and handwriting. I am very proud of you!



Mohamad has been focusing well to ensure he gains an understanding of all class tasks. He has put in an extra effort with his spelling words, practicing over and over to ensure that he gets the spelling correct.


Karm approaches everything and everyone with such a positive, calm, and warm attitude. It is a delight to have him in 4F, and to see his hard work in all things.


For thinking deeply about a concept and asking interesting questions during Reading and Maths. Well done!


For his hard work and persistence during maths lessons. He has shown dedication to understanding new maths concepts and therefore has made great improvement in his maths skills.


For his persistent hard work in maths, taking on new challenges.


For making a fantastic start to Doncaster Primary school last term. Samuel has fit into DPS and is always ready to try his best.


Emma is a quiet and hardworking student who always completes her work to the best of her ability. She should be very proud of ll her efforts. Emma is also always friendly to all her class mates and is liked by everyone.   

Well done!


It is a delight having Kareem in the classroom! He is always super helpful, caring and going out of his way to help others! Kareem is a great friend to everyone, always encouraging and supporting them!  Thank you!


For outstanding understanding of the themes, plot and characters in our novel study. Keep up the excellent work.


For continuously being organised with his homework and always completing his tasks to a high standard. Well done Aaron!


P.EAlfred 1G

For giving 100% effort to his cross country training in P.E. What a star!

P.ELena 5O

For her fantastic dedication to improving her running endurance for cross country. Wonderful effort Lena!

P.EAudrey 6J

For her perseverance during our cross country training this week. Audrey has demonstrated how determination can enable steady improvement. Well done Audrey!

Cultural StudiesAansh 1P 

Aansh was a keen contributor this week during Cultural Studies. He showed an excellent understanding of Aboriginal Culture and the Dreaming story of Bunjil the Eagle. Well done Aansh, I was incredibly impressed!

Cultural StudiesRex 2NK 

Rex was impressive during our class discussion in Cultural Studies this week. He was able to listen carefully and help to translate the story of Bunjil the Eagle for the class. The story was partly in English and partly in Woi-wurrung (Wurundjeri language) and he showed excellent inferring skills. Well done Rex!

Cultural StudiesOlivia 3B

Olivia shone during Cultural Studies this week. Whilst learning the story of Indigenous hero, Vincent Lingairi, she displayed wonderful compassion and empathy for the plight of the Aboriginal people. It was wonderful to see Olivia so pleased at the happy ending.