Year 8 Pastoral Guardian

Strong Like a Girl

“Don’t be a girl!”  "You throw like a girl!” 


“Like a girl!” - these sayings originated as masculine sentiment, to suggest weakness or ineptitude.  It is often said with humour but it is nonetheless derogatory in nature.  The use of these terms are common place in our society and, sadly, can be heard in conversations between members of our female population.


At Mt A we strive to nurture in our girls the characteristics of leadership – strength, communication, persistence, determination, perseverance, and grit.


In other words: to be Strong like a girl!


We are blessed to have many truly amazing female role models in all facets of society - striving, challenging, and leading, or who have led in their fields of endeavour.


Women like Mother Teresa, Professor Fiona Wood, Indira Gandhi, Laura Geitz, Sharni Williams, Meg Lanning, Taylor Swift, and Malala Yousafzai have achieved and, in many cases, continue to achieve; all are different, they come from different worlds but all share one common trait – strength.


These women are exceptional examples of what it is to be Strong like a girl!, but we do not have to always look afar to experience strong role models.  Strength is all around our girls.  Look no further than your own lives and you will find significant women who demonstrate what it is to be Strong like a girl!


So join with me to encourage Strong like a girl… proud of our young women and remind them that


“If you believe in yourself first, you’re unstoppable.”

Mendell Grinter


To do this, one just has be strong.  Be ‘girls of action and leadership’.

Mick Butterworth

Conversation Starters

Are you strong and proud of who you are?

Why do you believe this?

What do you want to achieve and do well in?

Who do you see as being strong?