Communication Team

Thanks from the Communication Team

Today marks the last newsletter the 2019 Grade 6 Communication Team will contribute to. We would like to thank you all for reading our articles throughout the year! We have loved writing them for you. Communication Team – over and out!

5/6 Bizzare Bazaar

As part of 5/6 inquiry topic this Term (Bizarre Bazaar), students  have been busy researching an item that they have then planned to create using recyclable materials. 

Students started researching and brainstorming ideas for their products in class and will aim to sell these items at our Bazaar Showcase.  The money raised on the day will be donated to charity.

The students were encouraged to choose items that can be mainly created out of materials such as plastic bottles, milk cartons, tins/cans, offcuts of fabrics/wood, old clothing or any other materials that they have access to. The product also needed to be something that they can create multiple copies of, depending on the product and how long it would take to create.


The Bazaar Showcase will be held in the Marian Centre on Thursday 5th December 12:00 - 1:15.  The majority of the Items for sale will range from 20c to $2.00 with some items $4 - $5


The school will attend in classes and families are welcome to come along as well.


5/6 Bizarre Bazaar  - By Maggie, Narkita and Kayla

The past few weeks the 5/6 students have been working hard on handmade products for our Bizarre Bazaar. On the 5th of December in the Marian Centre from 12.15pm to 1.15pm, we will be holding a market type event where all members of the community are welcome to come and take part. On this day every student in the 5/6 area will have a stall and be selling their own handmade product. We have to use mostly recycled materials and sell them for nothing over $2. There are so many cool ideas going into it, it is blowing everyone away. The teachers are really pleased with how hard we all have been working and can't wait to see everyone's creations. See you there! 

Remembrance Day - Fire Carriers

On the eleventh of November, the Fire carriers all sauntered down to the Mooroopna Cenotaph for the annual Remembrance Day ceremony. Two of the members laid a wreath on behalf of the St Marys community. We picked who would lay the wreath by each choosing a number from one to a thousand. We had a look at the number plate of the next truck to come past and whichever two of our numbers were the closest would be the two to carry up the wreath. We were all being very respectful and then a sprinkler turned on and with all its might sprayed our school from behind, giving us a great shock. The rest of the ceremony was very splendid. Our St Mary’s priest Monsignor Peter was there. There were some amazing singers, soldiers and speakers.

T20 Blast Regional Finals

On Wednesday 20th of November some grade 5/6‘s went to Rochester to play in the T20 Blast Regional Finals. They played 3 games then 1 final. In the 1st game the boys went down by 33 runs. In the 2nd game they had a good come back and winning that game by more than 100 runs. But with the consequence of a player going down and sitting out the rest of the games, but they are ok now. In the 3rd game the boys bowled well and kept their opponents to a low score. When it came to the batting innings they were losing wickets galore and needed about 70 runs in the last 2 overs. They came close to the total and they lost by 5 runs. In the final the boys finished 4th so they were in the battle for 3rd. They ended up losing by about 10 runs and finished 4th overall out of 6. It was a great day and the boys had lots of fun.


By Will Emanuelli

Hot Weather - Take Care!

Summer is almost here, but with this comes responsibility.  Recently, a big mass of bushfires spread around parts of NSW and QLD. Lots of people have been feeling very dehydrated and hot. This reminds us of the importance of drinking enough water to stay hydrated and keep cool. Last Thursday, we experienced a heatwave with very hot and windy conditions. We need to remember to keep hydrated and stay inside over these periods. The recommended amount of water we should drink daily is 2 litres. This is very important especially during these times to drink the proper amount of water, staying inside and keeping cool. But drinking water isn’t the only thing you can do. You can also leave plenty of water for your pets, have a fire escape plan, check on your family and friends and stay indoors.  

By Charlotte and Lachlan 

St Vinnie's Giving Tree

All donations of new toys are welcome - please leave them at the Office.