Pupils of the Week

These students will be presented with their certificates at the following upcoming assemblies:

Monday 26th November

Amaya I (PA) -  For being an all round superstar.  She is extremely helpful to everyone in the class and always does her Personal Best.  Keep it up, Amaya!

Brooklyn B (PB) - For his fantastic effort raising money for our Colour Run!  Brooklyn worked so hard saving, talking to community members and networking to help our grade be one of the winners.  You're a superstar, Brooklyn!!

Amelia C (12A) - For showing kindness and looking out for others.  You make others feel included and go out of your way to talk to new people.  Well done.

Sophie B (12B) - For working persistently to improve your editing skills. Sophie has been paying closer attention to correcting her capital letters and full stops before submitting her work.  Keep up the fantastic work!

Thomas S (12C) - For always doing his Personal Best and having a go at all tasks.  Great effort, Thomas!

Ryder H (34A) - For always contributing to class and group discussions, sharing his experiences, thoughts and knowledge.  Ryder will have a go even when unsure and is confident to risk take.  Well done, Ryder.

Tasman G (34B) - For putting in a great effort with his 'Mystery Doug' powerpoint.  He worked hard on researching, developing a script and recording his information.  Well done, Tas!

Sam V  (56B) – For always showing his resilience and being a great friend. You have such a good heart and lovely nature and will achieve great things in life because of this.

Harry P (56B)  - For you perseverance. With  effort you can achieve great things. Keep making this effort in all you do.

Monday 3rd December

Cam D (PA) - For sharing his excellent thinking strategies during Maths with our class.  Cam is a super mathematician!

Jackson P (PB) - For his leadership skills.  Jackson is always looking to help his peers any way that he can.  I am so proud of the kind leader he is becoming!  Well done, Jackson!

Kaiden A (12A) - For being sensible and responsible on our excursion.  It was great to spend the day in a group with you and see your wonderful manners.

Michael D (12B) - For being a great class member.  Michael's enthusiasm for life is infectious.  Keep up the great work champ!  I am so impressed with your work in class.

Riley T (12C) - For working hard at being an Attentive Listener in class.  Great job, Riley - keep it up!

Lexi R (34A) - For her great sense of humour and her ability to engage us in her writing and sharing her experiences with us.  Thank you, Lexi.

Alex B (34B) - For an amazing presentation on the 'Dollar Coin Discovery'.  He used props and engaged the audience with a loud, clear voice.  Super effort, Alex!

Olivia A (56B) – For the fantastic effort you are putting in this term.  Well done.  Keep it up, Olivia.