Year 7 - Obstacle courses and more
Fearless, Kind and Caring
Year 7 and the SRC (Student Representative Council) had a fun filled start to Term Two as they went away to Camp at the Nepean Adventure Centre last week. Students were challenged with jaw dropping activities such as the gorge swing that swung students over a cliff overlooking the Nepean River; free fall jumps from 18 metre high platforms; complex obstacle courses where they had to work together to reach the top as well as many more…
We watched as Year 7 students helped each other and built new memories with many other students they have not met before. Not only were our students fearless but they were kind and caring. We are very proud of how Year 7 behaved and conducted themselves during their time at camp. We encourage them to continue their new found relationships and confidence in themselves at school.
A big thank you to the SRC members for coming along and supporting the Year 7 students on an unforgettable camp experience. Year 7 were very lucky to have such a strong group of leaders to build their confidence and make new friendships.
Another big thank you to the following teachers that came along and shared the experience with the students – Mr Alfonsi, Ms Cekic, Ms Cupac, Ms Golijian, Mr Jacob, Mrs McIntyre, Ms Occhiuto and Mrs Verter.
Ms Phan and Mr Faga, Year 7 Advisers
Humans of Year 7 - Stories of Resilience
From Year 7S: Students in Year 7S have been learning about bullying and resilience this term at Cecil Hills High School. We have studied many texts which provide perspectives on topics affecting our world. As a class, we really enjoyed the blog "Humans of New York" by Brandon Stanton. We decided to create a blog using the same elements to tell our own stories, in our own way.
From Year 7G: In Term 1 English, Year 7 explored the idea of resilience and how to bounce back from difficult or challenging situation. Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s ‘Humans of New York Series’, the students investigated and read about people’s personal experiences, and then reflected and evaluated their own stories of resilience by composing short, real life anecdotes about each other. The process took on the form of interviewing, photographing, editing, and writing – a challenging and exciting task. Not only were Year 7 brave enough to share their stories, but they built stronger connections with their peers.
We will publish a selection of these stories in the next edition of our school newsletter.
Ms O’Malley and Mr Robinson
English teachers - Year 7S & Year 7G